Monday, December 31, 2012


Resolution- a firm decision to do or not to do something...

Instead of making a decision to do or not to do something next year, make a promise to yourself to live every moment as if it is your last.

Experience fully as if everything you do is the last thing you would do on earth.

Feel the rain on your skin and the cold in your lungs.

Feel the love and the pain and the fear and the shame with your whole being but don't let it stop you from walking forward.

Say everything you want to say and don't hold back the love you have for everyone you know and those you don't.

Laugh till you cry and cry till you laugh.

Let yourself be who you are, not who you think the world wants to see. But the person who you want to be with when you are alone- that is who you truly are.

and most importantly don't forget to tell yourself how much you love and value you.... then that love and compassion will spread to everyone else in your life..

Happy New Year

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Surrender- to soften, relinquish all resistance to what is and accept it for what it is.
Soften the shell of resistance.
Be here and now with what is.
Nothing more and nothing less is needed.

Embrace the fear

Every day do something that scares you.

The experience

It is not life's events that are causing problems or stress. It is your resistance to life's events that is causing this experience.

The Untethered Soul
Michael A. Singer

Saturday, December 29, 2012

No reason no rhyme

Everything is just happening.
We make up the reasons in our minds

Friday, December 28, 2012


Beyond is infinite in all directions

Michael Singer

Reality check

The universe that exist in your head has very few junction points with the Universe out there...

Sometimes you need to admit to yourself that you just don't know.

You don't know why things are happening, or why people do the things they do.

You don't have to make excuses or explanations or narratives for everything around you.

The hardest, yet the simplest thing is to accept the universe as it is, not asking for a reason why...

Thursday, December 27, 2012


What is change?
Does change really happen?
Do you sit around waiting and then in one sudden instant everything changes?

Sometimes we look back and can't remember when actually things changed.
It doesn't happen all of a sudden from one moment to the next.
Change is gradual and very rarely tangible.
All the change that we convince ourselves we see is an illusion.
Things don't change.
We change our perceptions and attitudes towards what is always there.
Every day gives us a million opportunities but we choose which ones to follow based on our history, our habits and where do we feel comfortable.
We limit ourselves by labeling our environment into good and bad based on our comfort level.
And as long as we sit securely tucked into our comfort zone no change will ever happen.

Change starts within.
You may be comfortable but are you happy? Are thrilled to live every second of your life? Or are you waiting for something or someone to change?
So take a look around you and notice what makes you so comfortable and throw it out!

Step out of your comfort zone and you will see the universe rushing towards you to greet you.
Embrace it, for the only constant in the universe is change.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


When you find the joy of giving it is very hard to go back to wanting.
When you learn to give yourself fully to each and every moment You realize each moment is precious as it is and there is nothing more to ask for.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Love and light

In our essence we are all love and sweetness and light

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Love doesn't hurt

Love doesn't hurt. 
Rejection, betrayal, fear and abandonment are painful but if you look deeper you realize they are not part of love. 
The negative emotions come from unspoken words, unmet expectations, or disregard of someone's feelings. And sometimes just from plain misunderstanding or foolish citcumstances. 
So, if you brush your bruised ego, hurt feelings,unreasonable pride and silly expectations aside you realize they have nothing to with love. 
You love someone because you see some depth and something special there. Your feelings of care and compassion don't change because of something that person says or doesn't say, regardless of something that person does or does't do, regardless of whether that person is here with you or not. 
Yes, the pride and the ego and the expectations get in the way, but they are just like clouds in the sky. They may hide the sun for a while, but you still feel the warmth and see the light. 
The  pain only comes when you are trying to deceive yourself that you don't care. 
It's like trying to convince yourself the sun doesn't exist while you are staring at it. 

Negative emotions

All negative emotions have a source somewhere in your every day life, deeply rooted into your habits and desires.
Unconsciously you keep feeding that source and keep feeding the negative emotions.
Find the source or sorrow, grief, anger, fear and frustration
Once you have identified it remove yourself from it.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012


What you see in others is only a reflection of you...

No longer

"No longer lend your strength to that, which you wish to be free from
Fill life with love and bravery
And you shall lead the life uncommon"


Let go of that which no longer serves you
Let go of the unnecessary
Let silence be your teacher
Let love be your guide
Let the breath guide you

Choose the path with a heart and follow it to the end.

No longer let your heart be filled with anger and frustration, for you live in a blissful moment
No longer cry yourself to sleep or wake up in sadness, for you are made of light and joy
No longer look for strength in others, for you are infinite strength
No longer beg or cry for bits of love, for you are eternal, endless love
No longer desire that which you do not have, for you already posses everything you need.
No longer let sorrow and grief drown you, for you are swimming in timelessness.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Are you waiting for the end of the world?

If you had only one day to live who would you call and what would you say.... And what are you waiting for?


"Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either because solitude will break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed ot left or hurt or death brushes near let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you wasted as many as you can."
Louise Erdrich
From the Talking Drum


Let silence be your teacher.
Let love be your guide.
Let the breath move you.
Feel the bliss in your heart

A path with heart

" There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path"

The Matrix

"Seeing the possibility is indeed different from being the possibility"

Ram Dass

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Note from Grace Church....

Open your heart asking for nothing.
Allow yourself to receive.


"What we call "I"is just a swinging door, which moves when we inhale and when we exhale"

Ram Dass

The matrix

For a human to ask"what is love?" would be like the fish asking " what is water"
You float in it. You exist in it.
In Love you are born, in Love you are, in Love you dissolve.
It is the substance that permeates each and every particle of you and the universe.
It is the matrix of life.
When you finally allow yourself to feel it, you realize you are constantly immersed in it.
But because it has no beginning and no end you cannot feel it on the outside, in the physical realm.
You have to come through within.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Drop everything unnecessary
Let Yourself emerge
Allow yourself to be

The end of time

" These are parables not about the end of the world but about the end of the world of psychological time. They point of the transcendence of the egoic mind and the possibillity of living in an entirely new state of consciousness"

E. Tolle

What are your problems right now?

Problems are manmade and need time to survive. They cannot survive in the actuality of the now.
E. Tolle.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Welcome the unexpected

Each day is full of thousandths unexpected situations.
Take them all as an opportunity to grow.

Audible Change

If you feel stagnant or think things don't change look back a year...
Remember where you were, what you were doing, what you were wearing what your plans, dreams, hopes and goals were.
Examine how you were back then, what was your mood, what were your thoughts, who were you?

And now fast forward to the present moment.
Who are you now?
How do you feel, what are your plans, hopes and dreams?
Where are yow now? And how is that different from where you thought you were gonna be a year ago?

If you feel no difference no difference in who you were then it's time to change...

But most likely there is  a difference in you.... not in the way you dress may be, or the place you live, or the job you do.
But inside of you.. somewhere deep where only you can reach... a place that is not on display for others.

Be brave and show that change to the world today...

and Remember: Personality is a process..

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The silent watcher

Watch the thought, feel the emotion, observe the reaction.
The silent watcher

Ekhart Tolle
"The Power of Now"

Friday, December 14, 2012


Before you can create a new world you need to learn to destroy.
Watch your world crumble down and be ok with it.
Don't cling to anything. Let it all go.
Destruction is a part of creation.
A space is needed to be filled with beauty and miracles.
Allow yourself to make that space- even though it seems like an abyss.

Let the reality you have held on to for so long collapse and see the beauty of the world of possibilities that lays beyond....
It is not fear that you have in your heart it's awe

Allow it to fill you up and lift you up, and let yourself soar.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

To love

"Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life."

To accomodate is not to love 

To truly love  means you care enough to hurt someone if you believe in your heart that is the way for them to grow, no matter how much it hurts you to watch them suffer.
To silently watch their anguish, quietly bearing your own pain and swalloing your own tears. 
Calmly bracing for their righteous anger and violent reaction. 
Not looking for excuses or apologies 
Letting them be when all you want is to embrace them 
Selflessly praying that they will make it to the other side , and may be just may be they will have the courage and offer a quiet Thank you. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pure love

For one day, do not carry the armor that you normally put on.
Let yourself be in front of others and in front of yourself naked and vulnerable.
And see the consequences the lack of your defences bring.
Leave fear, insecurity, pride and judgement in the closet today and come out with smile on your face,with an open heart full of compassion for others.
For one day do not be preoccipied with how you feel but be attentive to those around you.
And See how that feels.
See the differnece in others when they are able to sense your true nature
Carry with you only the joy and openness and awareness that are our innate quality.
Instead of judging, give love.
Instead of shutting down, open yourself.
Instead of pity give joy.
Let yourself be the infinite amount of love that we all carry inside.
Do not seek love and understanding as an experience that comes from outside.
Experience love as it is mirrored coming from you.
Experience love as pure as it comes from your own heart.
Because we all are, in our essence, pure love.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Limitless possibilities

One needs to transcend desire and need in order to open up space for the limitless possibilities awaiting.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Something to loose

"Because almost everything- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to loose. 
You are already naked.
There is no reason not to follow your heart"

Steve Jobs

The impossible

Dare to reach for the impossible and dare make it a reality for the most authentic moments come to life this way.
And don't settle for anything less.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Acceptance doesn't take suffering or struggling or knowing.
It simply needs practice.


How can you respect others before having the utmost respect for yourself?

Where does the respect come from- love, fear, reverence, admiration?

May  be it should simply come out of compassion and humility....
From a deep place that shares space with love and appreciation.
From knowing that we are all and the same.

Respect is not admiration, not putting someone on pedestal and looking up to them.
It simply means consideration of others' space and opinion.
Regard to their being, knowledge,  and their own inner battle.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Conquer the unknown

Ignore conventtional wisdom
Trust your mischievous intuition

Free Will Astrology

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On exploring ourselves

Isn't it time we stopped looking for beauty and love outside ourselves?
Isn't it time we stopped looking for comfort and safety in someone else?
Where would love reside if not in our own hearts?
Where would beauty come from if we cannot see in our own face?
Is it possible to find comfort if we cannot feel it on our own?
And who can make you feel safe if you keep running from your own self?
It's time to stop; let all our fears, doubts, secrets, insecurities and anxieties crash into us; so we can see that there is nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to run from.
Simply accept.
Accept yourself and love yourself.
And find comfort in standing on your own two feet.
Feel the world supporting you and you supporting it back.
Then and only then you can experience love as an outward experience, not as one that comes from others.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The comfort zone

Are you living in a sterile world?
Where all your experiences are strictly controlled by you.
Are you conciously closing yourself in a bubble?
Are you limited by your own judgements, opinions, tastes and habits?

Do you ever think that there is a whole another world beyond your limits? And that those limits are self- imposed for no particular reason?

Break free for a moment
Explore the unthinkable, get out of your comfort zone

Go to a place you have no appreciation for.
Taste something you think you don't like.
Bring your tastebuds to try something without asking what it is.
Be compassionate to the people that annoy you
Break a habit- it only takes 21 days.

Get out of the comfort zone you have created.
Take a look at the marvelous world that is beyond
And accept it as it is.
Love it as it is.
Enjoy it as it is.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Being present

Misery comes from the duality of the moment.
When you are physically present at one place but you desire to be in another.
When you mind is occupied with one thing but you are splitting your attention because you are thinking of another.
Being present requires you to be in the moment 150 percent so that nothing else exist.
Transcending the desire to be anything else, to do anything else.
Abandoning the desire that this moment should be any different.
Complete and total acceptance of the moment as it is.
Complete surrender to what is.
This is complete and utter bliss.