Monday, April 28, 2014


We are just a string of experiences, empty of meaning and void of permanence. We fight to perpetuate "ourselves " by creating patterns and telling stories to convince us that those patterns define is.
" Self" is just the story of "self" we create, and we become attached to that story, afraid that if we don't embody this image we have of ourselves, we will dissolve into nothingness.
The Truth is there was no "Self" to begin with. The boundaries of the "self" are mind-made: the separation between me and you, us and others, mine and yours are illusionary and created by the Ego in order to breathe into existence a separate indentity. In reality the separation does not exist.
We use everything- our day to day interactions and reactions to reinforce the story. We create likes and dislikes, excuses and attachments so we can hold onto something we believe is the self.
The patterns are easy to attach to and identify with because they provide predictability and safety- we know how we will react to the environment and how the environment will react to us.
Our fear is nothing but a reaction to something out of pattern.
Fear is our pattern towards the unkown.

Monday, April 21, 2014


What does it take to keep the stillness in the mind and in the rhythm of the breath throughout every day tasks?
Can we see out inhale and exhale as a ritual regardless of whether we are sitting in meditation, eating lunch or vigorously moving? What does it take to sustain the awareness?
Can we yoke our intention, the focus of our attention to the rhythm of the breath and keep it there no matter what distraction we encounter?
Which is easier to control-  mind or breath?
Which is the first to get distracted- mind or breathing?
By noticing and being curious about this process we are practicing svadhyaya- self-inquiry.

Friday, April 4, 2014

we are...

We are writing our own stories. 
We are the canvas that we paint on with our breath, with our love.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fill me up with Love

Fill me up with love
I want no more hatred and anger and fear
Heal me
I want no more judgement and prejudice
In my heart
Fill me up with love
And let me share
With every other being
Let me love like you do
Without the shadow of doubt
Without condition
Heal me
Fill me up with love