I invite in my life new vibrations, stripped of labels, judgements and opinion, stripped of purpose other than to open me beyond my current limitations.
I hope to fall in the cracks between definitions, absolutes, and social roles and loose all that I foolishly believe I have, unlearn everything I mistakenly believe I know.
I invite experiences that strip my layers and pride, that make me look foolish in my own eyes and deprive me of my own self importance.
I look forward to new challenges. Ones that will teach me to fall and nurture my wounds and see the world from down below, from that sensitive place full of embarrassment and disappointment.
I promise to get lost more often, for in those spaces I see glimpses of my true self.
I attract into my life new manifestations of energy, not right or wrong, not good or bad but teaching me to Love fully, without holding back.
I invite into my life human beings, those I have walked with in this lifetime and those who I am yet to come upon. It is the connection with another spirit that makes this walk worthwhile.
For those souls who have already touched my earthly experience, I hope you will come closer. I humbly pray to be able to see you with fresh eyes, free of judgement and prejudice; not carrying the weight of the past and without feeding expectations of the future, simply sharing the Fire of the Present moment.
For those who I am yet to find, I promise to meet you with an open heart and open arms, offering Love and sacred space and asking for nothing in return but to witness and acknowledge you fully, as you are.
I vow to find joy in every moment and laugh at myself more often.
I invite teachers in my life, may they be new or familiar, people or situations, present or past, from which I can gather experience and loose the roots of the identity I have so carefully constructed.
I invite new opportunities, joyous or sad, full or laughter or tears, opening me to the Magic of the Universe.
I stand open and vulnerable to the flow of the Universe, offering no judgements and having no expectations, simply walking through this humbling and beautiful human experience, one step at a time.