Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Make space

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. "
Joseph Campbell

Make space.
Before anything can change, in your life, in you, in the way you see the world, you have to let go of the old, the unnecessary, the unwanted.
And sometimes we cling to the unwanted only because of fear that we will loose something.
We cling to the old because we comfortable there and it is too inconvenient to look up and see what else may be.
We cling to the unnecessary because we are not even aware of it.

They say eclipses and full moons are catalyst for change

But before you change you need to allow for some space.
Look around, kick up the old dusty boxes, look through yellow pages of the books, reminisce over the past nostalgically and allow it to dissipate.
The things we truly have are not the things that can be given or taken away or lost.
The things, the people, the experiences that truly belong to our lifetime will always be there because they have become an integral part of us.
Everything else is unnecessary and should be shed away.
So, instead of rushing into new things, want more, build expectations, look in.
Go deeper and examine where you can make some space- in your life, in your heart, in your mind.
And see how peaceful and beautiful it is to have some space, have fresh air. How liberating.

And before you reach for the next thing, before start filling up the empty space with new things, pause.

Allow that space to remain there.
There is no need to fill it up.

Rather than limiting yourself with the things you think you want or you think you need, wait.

See what life has to offer you.
See what the universe will hand you.
And explore it, graciously saying Thank You.

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