Monday, January 28, 2013


Go beyond the mind.
It has You trapped and chained in an inanimate and limited, artificial world.
A reality, that is not real.
That is where the illusion of separation comes from.
Our minds create our own little worlds, separate from everyone else's and we rot there, desolate and lonley.

Buy that is not all there is.
There is so much beyond, so much beauty, so much light, so much love, the place we call home, without ever seeing it.
Because we can feel it with every breath, with every tear, with every smile.
The place beyond the mind.
Pure love.

And yet here we are. All in exile.
All in our little prison cells.
So overwhelmed and engulfed by our own little dramas, we don't even think to look up and see that is US who have locked ourselves in our own dungeons.

It is you who holds the key.
But your mind has tricked you, and it will keep tricking you into thinking you are separate.
The power struggle, the hunger of the ego to achieve, to dominate, to possess.
That is what's holding you hostage in your own mind.
No one can open the door for you.
You have to realize it for yourself.
You have been conditioned.
You live in a world you have artificially created out of fear.
Look up or rather look deep down inside.
That deep, dark, bottomless pit you are so adraid of.
That is YOU lying on the bottom.
YOU, your authentic, loving, joyous YOU. The one who has no fear, the one who can see the beauty in everything, the one who is made of pure love.
YOU have just forgotten.
You were tricked by the mind, that everything you see, everything you feel, the whole universe is someting to be adraid of.
Return to the source.
Remember who you are.
And don't feel sad that you had forgotten.
That soul is still untainted, beautiful and pure.
It doesn't hold anger or resentment that it has been forgotten.
It simply waits to be remembered and revels that you found your way back home.
It doesn't matter how long it takes you, it is the journey, that makes it so much more worth while.

But beware the mind.
It is there at every step.
Everything you see, everything you think, everything you feel and judge, all your perception can capture, all that can be conceived, or understood or explained, that is the mind. It is a powerful and all encompassing structure.
To come home you have to tumble it down.
Awareness is enough.
Once you see, the mind doesn't stand a chance.
For once you feel the touch of the unknown, there you shall long to return.
All it takes is vigilance and persitence.
Challenge the mind at every step.
So step out of your comfort zone.
Experience what lies beyond your reason.
Explore those relationships that you cannot understand. Those are the people who will show you the way.
Do what doesn't make sense.
Say Yes! To everything you think you are afraid of.
Find those things that seem preposterous and enjoy them with all your heart.
Get lost in the moment.
Suspend all the judgement.
Follow your gut intuition.
Follow your heart. Don't ever go against your heart. It knows the way.
Forget about what you like and don't like- it is all a vain attempt to keep yourself from venturing beyond.
Take every possibility to learn and then forget everything.
Forget efficiency and do things for the pure joy of being alive.
And most importantly
Don't take yourself seriously. :)
That is the deathblow for the ego.
Laugh at yourself!
Remember who you are.
You are beautiful.
You are amazing.
You are pure light.
Eternal love.
Come home.

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