Friday, March 29, 2013

Empty Space

Get familiar with the emptiness.
Find the spaciousness within your mind and your heart, and explore the distance between one thought and another.
Revel in the empty space.
Don't let the world rush in.
Breathe into that space.
Dance in it.
Hold that space.
That empty space is YOU.
The mighty, magical YOU where anything can happen.

Don't be afraid of loneliness or desolation,
They are simply shadows of the mind.
In that empty space there is no separate you and me.
Everything is one and we are eternally bathed in love and light.
So find that empty space, embrace it and work hard to expand it.
Lovingly pulling others in it until we are all there and it has enveloped our whole universe.
From there we come and there we shall return.

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