The mistake we make is that we look to escape this world.
It already has all the beauty we are looking for.
But we have let our brains take over and blinded ourselves to the beauty of imperfection.
We became lazy, gave into the pattern of thinking because it is easier to follow a patterned logic than to explore the vast unknown.
We are an experiment gone a little off track.
An experiment in vast cosciouness finding expression in a human form.
The amazing thing is that we are able to function, to take in all the sensory information we are bombarded with, process it and be able to carry on. It is a pure miracle.
Our brain, our mind is an amazing machine making all this possible.
But here is the trick. It is a machine, its purpose is efficiency and results.
Not being, enjoying or observing,but doing.
And at some point we found it easier to function on autopilot. The stick with the easily predicted pattern rather than flow with creation.
We close of and speed towards some ureachable goal, while if we simply stop, take a breath and take a look, a real look around, unobstructed by the conditions of the mind we will see we already have more than we need.
Persuing efficinecy we lost sight of the beauty.
It's time to take this experiment to the next level, move out of the brain and into the heart.
Dance with the flow and use the mind to create, not let it hinder the exploration of the unknown.
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