Sunday, June 30, 2013

The journey of souls

"Enlightenment is seeing the absolute soul-ego reflected in the relative human ego and acting it through in life"

The Journey of Souls

The wound

"The wound is where the light enters you"

Don't try to bandage the wound, cover it, ignore it.
Don't kill the pain with with pills, alchohol or shame.
Don't escape it.
Don't avoid it.
Dig fingers deeper in the wound make it larger and more painful, experience it to the point of ecstatic pleasure, where the whole body vibrates with sensation and the mind can't tell pleasure from pain.
Drown in it.
Drown in the tears and the ache.
Drown in the light.
Drown in the wisdom entering the heart and the love exploding from you.
Emerge, like a butterfly, transformed.
Emerge, like the phoenix, brighter than ever before.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Power is not free

If we let others trample all over us they will keep on doing it.
If we sit quitely, passively and hope for some humanity, for justice, for compassion we will perish.
Stand up and face the wind.
Not only those who we beleive are taking advantage of us but our own shadows and weaknesses.
Not only when it comes to our survival but when it comes to the quality of humanness we expect.
Not only what is rightfully ours but what is just.
Stop sitting helplessly and moan that we have been robbed of our power.
No one can take our power away. No one has to- we give it in voluntarily.
We hand our integrity and strength, our pride and our power so we can avoid confrontation.
So we can keep some sense of security in a world where security can not exist.
Justice and integrity and safety for our own unigueness can't survive in a environment where we can't speak our truth for fear of being judged, regected or shunned away.
Take our power and hold on to it tight.
But don't think power comes for free.
Power comes with the price of responsibility.
The responsibility for our own happiness, for our own destiny, for our own integrity.
If we wish to sit petrified by our own stupidity and wait mindlessly for someone else to take pity on us, save us, take care of our responsibilities and make us happy then we will drown in our own ignorance.
Have the guts to be human. Have the guts to be weak and scared and wrong but own it.
Embrace our emotions and let them be what they are without repressing them.
Take the responsibility for our feelings, for our actions, for our success or failure, instead of mindlessly throwing the blame around for someone else to carry.
Stand up.
And take the responsibility for the consequences.
We owe it to ourselves and to the rest of humanity.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Journey into the unknown

Patterns and habits are infinite loops in the mind that keeps us from going forward.
Like a music player stuck on repeat, going over and over again, stuck in a rut.
Habits give us security, a sense that we know what is to come, what is to be.
But how are we to grow if we are always doing the same thing, dancing to the same tune.
Break away from the learned steps and dance with chaos, each step a lifetime of its own, each movement a journey without destination.
Dancing with the rhythm of our own hearthbeat, rising high with our inhale, sinking into darkness with the exhale.
An infinite dance with the unpredictable, step by step, breath by breath facing our shadows, leaving everything already known behind.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The journey's purpose

"If the creator represents absolute beauty, it is the nature of beauty to desire manifestation"

The journey of souls

We are all part of one source, the creator energy, infinite love and light, endless beauty.
And if we are wondering what our purpose here is, it is to embody this dazzling beauty.
It is not to suffer, to be punished for past sins or to absolve new ones. We are not here to judge what is right or wrong but to be, to love and manifest love.
To create and be joyful for manifesting the unknown into this world
To perpetuate the endless journey of infinite light.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The highest form of love

To serve is the highest form of love.
Don't confuse giving with sacrifice.
Don't confuse restraint with lacking something.
To serve is to take that which we already have and share it with the universe, confident that the source of love is unlimited and endless.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


There is no such thing as not enough time.
Time only exists in our mind.
Don't ever chase time or let it be the source of tension.
Don't be a slave of Time.
Slow Time down
Make it work for you.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Once given, ego becomes a covenant between oneself the givers.
It means we learn to do the best we can with who we are.

The journey of souls

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The physical body

The physical body is the crudest manifestation of our experience.
For any ailment, every pain and discomfort there is a truth being blocked energetically and emotionally.
The blocked energy keeps circulating like dead air searching a way to escape until it finds a way to release, usually quite dramatically, calling our attention with something unpleasant.
And if we fail to answer that call it blows up with something so drastic that we can't ignore it any more.
Listen to the body, what is is saying to us?
Treat with respect and compassion.
It is the temple we have chosen to inhabit for this lifetime.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Into the unknown

It is inspiring to take action and be in control. To be in charge and to lead.
What is even more valuable is to quiet down and listen. Disregarding for a moment what it is we want to do and pay attention to what we actually need.
Let go of desire and rest upon the feeling of everything we already are.
That is where the inspiration to lead forward into the unknown comes from.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Feeding the illusion

We have silently accepted the status quo.
Without asking why or how we got here we have accepted the dogmas and the rules we have been handed down
We work so hard fighting the illusion and even harder supporting it
The resistance creates duality
The way out is much simpler.
Simply step out.
If we take a step to the side we see the ridiculousness of the vicious circle we are feeding
But if we stop feeding the maya, the illusion of what is then we will stop resisting it as well.
Coming out of the duality we can rest gently in the comfort and peace of one unified consciousness.
Stop feeding the ego, but also stop fighting it.
Acknowledge it and drop it.Let it run its wild ride but don't get caught in it.
If the effort to get us entangled in illusion is fruitless, then it has no point.
It becomes irrelevant.
Look deep and hard into the things we don't want to see.
And then drop them. They are not necessary.
Feel our own truth in our hearts and flow with it.
When we feel the oneness with the world, when we feel the bare truth and notice the vanity of all else we finally find the peace in our own hearts.
Take all the reasons and all the excuses our minds make up, take a good look at them, laugh at them and throw them out.
Take the ideas we hold of ourselves and laugh at that too.
And when we slip and fall back into the roller-coaster of life and under the yoke of the mind laugh at that too.
For as long as we take the mind seriously we will be its slaves.
Free ourselves from the prison of darkness by shattering it to pieces with our laughter of joy. For there is no greater joy than the effort of building our new home.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


All we can do is be ourselves and let others decide whether they like it or not.
Suspend the judgement of ourselves and let go of the judgement of others.
Anything else is slavery.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Be Grateful

We refuse to live without our phones,without our morning coffee or evening glass of wine.
We refuse to let go of the habit of  constantly checking our email and updating our FB status, of looking for validation in someone else's eyes.
But we have voluntaliry surrendered to living  without love, without joy, without gratitude. 
Stregthening the habit of being in the head and out of our body. 
Giving in to the mode of working, striving, achieving and possesing, in a constant struggle to have more, to want more, to be better. 
But what about where we are, who we are?
What about the present moment with all its beauty and joy?
Have we forgotten to be here, embodying our beautiful bodies and experiencing the air on our skin, the tear down the cheek, the aroma of coffee beans breweing in the pot. 
How about we stop and take a breath and be grateful, be joyous for that breath instead of looking for the next.
How about we express some Gratitude to this body that has carried us to where we are today and to that heart the beats endlessly so we can keep going.
Take this moment, Right Now, not in a few minutes, not tomorrow or next week.
Take this moment and acknowledge everything that we already are and everything we already have.
Be Grateful...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The mind is not the enemy

The mind is not the enemy.
The mind is a tool, a gadget that we have allowed to take over and run us into the automatic drive of efficiency and doing.
Allow the mind the do its job of making connections, of getting things done and achieve goals.
Don't let the mind the take control of us and close our eyes to the beauty of non- doing, to the pleasure of being.
But also don't fight the mind, the avoidance creates resistance and duality.

The mind is a part of our being, the door to perception, the window through which we observe this physical world.
To close it or label it our enemy would be just as limiting as letting it run the whole show.
Accept each part of us as equally important and precious.
Make the mind our best friend and learn how to take care of it and even indulge it sometimes, but never let it forget that the soul is the captain and the heart is our guiding light.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The funeral pyre

"Love is the funeral pyre
Where the heart must lay
Its body"

The Gift

Friday, June 14, 2013

Dance with the unpredictable

Control is having everything in order, making things go our way.
Being in command is dancing with chaos. Flowing with whatever comes up and feeling the joy of it.
There is a sense of freedom that comes from being in command. A liberation that we are not slaves to the circumstances but are in charge of our lives.
Being in control limits our abilities to adapt. Imprisons us to a certain set of conditions and narrows our world.
Drop the desire to control and learn to dance with the unpredictable.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Enlightenment smells like chocolate

Enlightenment doesn't smell like chocolate.
It can smell like coffee beans, fresh baked bread, soiled diapers, melted butter, rotten eggs or rain.
Enlightenment is the moment when you are so aware of that particular moment that nothing else exists.
There is no past and future. There are no worries or expectations.
There is just now.
Your senses are experiencing the smell or touch or taste or vision so profoundly that you get lost in it.
The moment becomes everything. It becomes eternity.

Like the drop of rain sliding down your neck on a summer afternoon.
Experience it.

In that moment there are no questions or answers. There is just the rain drop and your sensation of it.
That is eternity.

That moment doesn't last long, but the moment we wake up to it we can consciously work to practice it more often.

Enlightenment is not a goal, not a place to reach but a practice of embodying the human spirit.
The practice of breathing consciously and waking up to the collective awareness while in the human body.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fear is a habit

Fear is a habit. 
The beauty of the human mind is in its intelligence. 
Its focus to look for patterns to make, connections to find the most efficient and brilliant way reach a goal. 
To achieve and keep achieving. 
In the quest  of efficiency the brilliant human mind dismissed the beauty of non- doing, of not achieving but simply enjoying the sensation of freedom. 

In the quest of tireless productivity and endless control the brilliant human mind abandoned the mystery of the unknown and created fear. 
Through fear control is easy. 
The brilliant human mind created this pattern of fear of the unknown, to discourage the soul from veering into foreign territory, to disspirt us from venturing into the mysterious, where the mind has no control.
And that is how an endless battle began for the soul longs to be free and float into the ocean of consciousness constantly learning and enjoying the unknown. 
And the brilliant human mind is tirelessly working to gain control over the frivolous soul, designing intricate scenarios of habits, patterns and fear. 
The small part that the soul is forgotten is that without the soul the brain is a dead  body. 
The soul doesn't need the body to exist, it is eternal. 
Yet, without the soul the body is lifeless. 
Ultimately the soul is always in command. 
We just have forgotten, we have given in to the ease of floating on a narrow, predictable path. 
Lift your eyes, see the endless sky and remember where you come from!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The boundary of illusion

Just like the body is the outline where we are separated from the rest of the physical world, the ego is the boundary we create to feel separate from the rest of the conscious world.
We create an illusion of a separate being, an intricate web of personality features- likes and dislikes, mine and yours, an illusion to keep driving us towards illusionary goals of possesiveness and achievement.
The purpose of inhabiting this human form is to experience and learn, to probe into human emotions and gain command over the frivolous mind.

And in the end to be able to navigate the intricate design of the human mind without letting go of our brightness as a luminous energy being.
To be able to inhabit the physical form effortlessly and sail through the experience of life on earth without loosing the awareness and consciousness inherent to our soul.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Fear of power

Sometimes what we think we fear is not a particular action or situation or a feeling.
What we fear is releasing the power in us that we are blocking.
With Fear one can control, with power we have command.
Most fears are representation of our blockages.
We tend to lock in and store away the power that lies in our nature because with power comes a lot of responsibility, a lot of work.
It's easier to sit on the edge dangling our feet and waiting for someone or something to come take us away.
It takes courage to leap on our own.
And we have placed a lot of fears, a lot of layers of protection because we have forgotten we can fly.

No one can give us the support, or the courage to leap.
No one can give us what we already have.
Others come into our life to remind us we already have everything we need.
Feel the wings on your back and trust!
When you feel the urge to be free take action before the mind creates blockages and plants fears.
Leap and trust that you already know how to fly.
Let go of the fears and trust that your soul is in command.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Fear is a shadow cast over the eternal sunshine of our being.
Fears are the little corners, the dustbunnies we like to sweep under the rug.
Illuminate the secret corners of the mind and see fears are only an illusion.
Fear can only exist in the places we don't want to look in.
Shine the brightness of the soul and exterminate fear.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Walk along

It is easy to stand on the curb and shout: " I am different, I don't  belong!"
Sit there and curse your fortune, or feel superior and look down upon the mass judgingly. 
But can we, knowing that we are different fall in step with the crowd and cry with joy,  singing along and making it our song, our choice.
Can we, knowing that the only way to lead is to walk and teach by example, step down from the peadestal we have put our own selves on and fall in step. 
Accepting, finally, that the only way to influence, to serve  is to walk together, while   nurturing our own uniqueness. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013


When you find yourself longing
Reminiscing and wishing
When you find yourself pining
 and thirsty
Don't shy away
Don't close your heart and suffocate the tears
Don't suffer, thinking you have lost something
The things we loose were never ours
Let tears run down your face
Trailing and celebrating
Knowing you have lived
You have loved and learned
You have hurt and been hurt
You have opened your heart and
Let light come in and shared your breath
Don't waste that breath now in sufferring
Offer it as gratitude 
Offer it as joy 
Offer it as acknowledgement 
To someone who has let you touch the source
Who has invited you into their being so you can taste oneness
Who has become a part of you
Don't cling to that gratitude
Breathe it out 
Resting on the knowledge that you are now and forever one. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Let yourself no longer hide 
Behind tears of helplessness
Behind fear
Behind lack of responsibility
Behind anger
Behind excuses of ignorance
Behind defensiveness 
Step away from the shadow of your conditioning
And emerge into the blazing light of your being

The Tower

Tarot Voyager

The tower symbolizing the " Law of Purification", is a revolutionary cleansing of all levels of your being. The pre-Columbian Inca warrior jumping from the tower symbolizes the purging of your impurities. The Burning Effigy represents the burning up of your dark aspects. Burn out what does not belong in your life.

The view of the sun, your eye, from the top of the tower symbolizes intense self examination. See the mental patterns and beliefs  you must destroy. See the negative emotions you must put to flame. See the physical toxins you must expurgate. See the worldly situations situations and circumstances you must change. See the aspects of yourself which are not really you that must be sacrificed.
By leaping into the alchemist's furnace, melt down the old inner and outer structures. Thus a metamorphosis occurs, symbolized by the red winged black bird, the first bird to herald the  return of spring. There is a new dawning and you restructure your life.
You may, however, lack the will of the warrior and stay trapped in your tower, your structures.
You may not have the courage to take the leap into a fiery transmutation.
Or you may project your own frustration and anger onto others and disrupt their lives.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I don't want to be another faceless shadow on the street.
I dont wish to suffer
Or look nonchalantly as life is slowly being sucked out of me
I can no longer support a system
Built on guilt and shame
I can no longer look in the eyes of others
And tell them it's ok to live without passion
I can no longer tag along a herd of
Human being chained by their own minds
Foliowing blindly rules that do not exist
Neither can I lead blindly others
Just because they refuse to think or feel on their own
Wake up
Start seeing for yourself
What is it that surrounds us
How deep is the whole we have burried ourselves in
And for the life of you start digging out
Start digging with all the rage and frustration accumulated in centuries of slavery to self- enforced blindness.
If you don't start digging, you are as good as dead.
Open your eyes or return to the dirt.
This life is ro enjoy not to suffer.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Identity crisis

We are all fighting a crisis identity.
Not because we don't know who we are.
But because we have layered our different facets in some arbitrary scale of wanted and unwanted.
And each say we put on the "better" layer, just like we put on the clothes we like best, or the layer we think will get us what we want.
But what happens to those parts that sit forgotten and neglected day after day because somewhere down the road we learned that we are not good enough, that we should be ashamed of our desires and our most sincere thoughts.
Those parts of us, because yes, they are still an integral part of us and we have deliberately been neglecting, they don't dissapear.
They sit there repressed, depressed and build up tension.
Tension we get used to, tension that we take as our every- moment duty to work out in any possible way but the simplest.
Let our being be one and express all the emotions that arise without attaching meaning and value to it.
Just like a child that is happy, then sad, or angry or tired and then happy again we are all entitled to all our aspects and moods.
And the judgement of others will be rendered irrelevant if we all allow ourselves to be.
Wear all our faces freely and nurture all aspects of our personality, especially those parts we have labeled dark and disagreeable. And watch this enormous identity crisis of humanity melt away

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Success is not achieving a goal but aligning the soul's desires with the actions of the physical body.
Even if that venture is a miserable failure in the worldly aspect of money, fame or possesions the soul is full of joy.
Because we are aligned, we expressed our deepest longing and we served our purpose.
Returning to our core, to our source, and being one is a success that has no measure in the logical reality of material possesions.