Monday, June 10, 2013

Fear of power

Sometimes what we think we fear is not a particular action or situation or a feeling.
What we fear is releasing the power in us that we are blocking.
With Fear one can control, with power we have command.
Most fears are representation of our blockages.
We tend to lock in and store away the power that lies in our nature because with power comes a lot of responsibility, a lot of work.
It's easier to sit on the edge dangling our feet and waiting for someone or something to come take us away.
It takes courage to leap on our own.
And we have placed a lot of fears, a lot of layers of protection because we have forgotten we can fly.

No one can give us the support, or the courage to leap.
No one can give us what we already have.
Others come into our life to remind us we already have everything we need.
Feel the wings on your back and trust!
When you feel the urge to be free take action before the mind creates blockages and plants fears.
Leap and trust that you already know how to fly.
Let go of the fears and trust that your soul is in command.

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