Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The good, the bad and the ugly

We have created the norms and limitations of right and wrong, good and bad, the beautiful and the ugly because of cultural, socio-economic or emotional circumstances.
Above all we have created those labels because the mind needs duality to exist.
The mind can't distinguish beauty unless it sees ugliness, it can't understand love unless it dwells on hate, it can't explain joy unless it dissects pain.
The mind asks questions, seeks reasons, constantly resting on logic.
Yet, our spirit knows that there is no separation.
There is no good and bad and beautiful and ugly and right and wrong.
And as long as we dwell in this world of duality we can never know ourselves.
How can we understand our soul if we are constantly denying an integral part of ourselves we have deemed ugly or shamefull?
How can we ever know what we want when we are constantly repressing our desire as wrong?
To embrace our "dark" side is to become whole again. To finally come back home.
The only darkness comes from our ignorance. And our ignorance is simply our desire to avoid, to be blind to what is.
But remember, if we are closing our eyes to the ugliness we fail to see the beauty as well.
Take the time to explore those dusty,dark corners of our soul, without judgement or praise. Without prejudice and embrace all of us, the masculine and the feminine, the strength and the weakness, the joy and the pain, the dark and the light.
For darkness is only the absence of light. It has no existence on its own.
All of our fears, all of our anger and axieties are simply the places where we fail to look.
Once we shine the light in the darkness, once we accept and love all of ourselves, shadows can no longer reside in our soul.
We become whole, we integrate, we unite within and with the rest of the universe.
We return to the source beyond the duality, beyond the mind where everything just is.
Pure light, pure love.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Turn the world upside down

When we turn the world upside down,
When the in becomes out
and the pain becomes joy.
When darkness becomes light
and the sky falls down to cover the Earth.
When day becomes night
And bad is no longer evil.
Only then shall we walk in our truth.

Monday, July 29, 2013


Oppression is the Hierophant's reminder that life is about liberation. Every form of oppression is an opportunity for liberation. To understand your oppression is to understand the freedom of yourself.
You cannot know freedom without oppression.
Oppression is always self- created. You create your own oppression through ignorance, through lack of self awareness. Free yourself from limitation and you will see yourself accurately. You are the universe.
Your spirit is limitless and free. Your negative mind, however, only sees your limitations.
Live in the radiance of your spirit and you will soar.

Tarot Voyager

Saturday, July 27, 2013


It is those random connections in our journey that have no agenda that perpetuate us inward and forward the most.
When we are not looking for validation, seeking approval, or asking for attention; when we are simply enjoying another souls' connection and allowing our own spirit to soar free and blissful we connect not only to another soul but also to our own.
We plug straight into the source and recharge.
And we are not only enjoying ourselves,
We are still working hard.
Without looking through the prismatic crystal of the ego, we come out of our patterns, look into those beautiful mirrors of our spirit and see the harsh truths we have been avoiding.
We learn and we recharge, reconstruct and transform, ready to go back to the challenge and see it with new eyes and put our heart and soul into the work we came to do.
So look around and see who are the souls who help you find the connection with yourself, make you go deeper than you have ever gone and let you explore deeper into your own soul....
Acknowledge them, be grateful and be loving... And most importantly be aware that you are most likely doing the same for them!


Friday, July 26, 2013


Have we ever truly felt the glorious sensation of inhabiting this marvelous body?
The tingling sensation underneath our skin, the rushing of the blood into our face, mother earth supporting our feet?
The beat of the heart and the neverending current of energy, carrying us back to infinity over and over again.
Have we ever felt our breath rhythmically falling and rising with the sensation of melting into the earth.
The feeling of liberation as we surrender to gravity just to realize we have always been free to fly?
Have we ever been so present that we feel the currents of our own power underneath and allowed ourselves to flow with it.
This incredible moment when mind and heart and soul align to give birth to our luminous being in one magical breath?
Have we felt it?

We spend a lifetime running away from this moment.... And when we unexpectedly find it we spend the rest of our lives longing to return to it.

Yet, this is our natural state, we just forgot how to be there

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Let silence be your teacher.
Let Love be your guide.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Knowing that we are not alone

Knowing that we are not alone
Can take us further
Than a jug of water
Or a bagful of food.
That we are not alone
That there are others
Walking this trechorous path with us
The feeling that we are not an outcast
Buy that there is a place
where we are welcome home
Is the food for the soul
The fuel that keeps us going
Knowing that we are not alone
We can keep on giving
Because the Love
Of our sisters and brothers
Is where we recharge
Where we find solace
And that resource
can never be exhausted
That Love is where we
Rest our broken hearts
And our weary souls
Knowing that we are not alone
We breathe out a sigh of relief
A space where
We can put our armor down
And let our souls be nourished
Knowing that we are not alone
We can go one step further
Than we ever thought possible...

Notes from the unknown

Open up to whoever or whatever we are with
Instead of feeling cornered
And looking for the emergency exit
Turn around and stay
Face the fear of being tied down
Experience being limited
So we can let it go
We live in this illusion
Thinking everything means something
When it doesn't
It's all in the experience
We look for meaning
Look for depth
When all the meaning is only in our heads
The value that we give to a person
Or event
Or a body

We struggle
Feeling abandoned and not cared for
When all we do
Is create boundaries
Try to tame what is limitless
Bind the power we have
Blind the light that we see

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The warrior's heart

The journey is gruesome
And Slower than slow
And to keep walking,
To keep climbing
To keep leaving
We sometimes
Rip our own soul.
The gaze hardens
The tears dry out
Chin lifts up
And we keep walking
Eyes fixed
Beyond the edge of the world
We keep walking
Sometimes in heartbreak
Sometimes in pain
Wading deep in despair
Always looking ahead
The warriors heart bleeds
Too often in disguise
Turning the pain into anger
Just so we can go on with the fight
Gasping for air
Stepping in blood
We fail to remember
A whole army is walking with us.

Monday, July 22, 2013

For Love

No soul can do the work of another
But we are here for each other
for tenderness and care
For compassion and above all
For Love
To take care of the bruises
Heal each other's wounds
And offer comfort
To hold sacred space
And learn from each other
To bring inspiration
So when we feel the night
Gently enveloping our spirit
Extend a caring hand
Open our limitless hearts and nourish
Our brothers and sisters
For when we fall
They will be the ones
To hold us
Comfort us
And give us wings
To fly again

Sunday, July 21, 2013

It is time for stillness

Being still can be excruciatingly painful.
It seems to admit weakness, express lack of control and carry a sense of defeat.
But stillness is powerful.
It is the stillness before the storm, pregnant with possibilities.
Stillness is simply knowing when we need to move forward and when we need to rest.
Stillness is the greatest expression of trust in the Universe.
Stillness is the greatest admission of Love for what is.
Stillness is one pointed acceptance of who we are and where we are.
Stillness is the greatest strategy in battle- knowing when to move so we don't waste our energy and cultivate our strength.
Stillness is the greatest tool in peace- trusting ourselves and the laws of the universe- everythig has a place and time and rushing is an obsession of the ego.
This is the time for stillness.
Be still, be at peace with ourselves and all that is around.
Let the transformation fully ripen inside before we bring it forth into this world.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The only way

The only way to show Love is to give everyone and everything all of you, holding nothing back!
Burn like a falling star leaving only a blazing trace for others to follow.

Friday, July 19, 2013


We fulfill our own prophecies.
Follow our delusions for they are the thruths of the horizon.

A mindful heart

The moment we put some effort into our truth instead of flirting with the distraction of desire, is the moment we touch our souls and shed a layer of doubt about who we are.
When these moments become frequent enough, dedicated to a conscious path with a heart, everything starts to flow and our mind and heart unite, allowing us to be whole again and serve our live's purpose blissfully.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's time

It is time to stop feeling alone amidst the crowd.
It is time to start feeling comforted and supported in the most lonesome moments
We are all one transcending space and time.
Love, care and support are always there should we choose to open our heart to receive.

Let ourselves be weak

Being strong
We resist
Being warriors
We walk in armor
Protected from
the beauty of the world.
And that which we fight for
Is that which we
Protect against.
Let ourselves be weak
Let us experience the
Humility and humiliation
The joy of shame
Passion and ignorance
Being violated
And being hurt
Let the fear rip us to the bone
Let the pride rip us apart
Let hurt break us down to pieces
What is left untouched underneath
Is us
Pure soul
Pure Love

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Are we willing

Are we willing to let go of control to obtain absolute freedom?
Are we willing to let go of attachment to attain true liberation?
Are we willing to let go of knowledge to know true wisdom?
Are we willing to let go of our ideas so we may truly know ourselves?
Are we willing to let go of possession so we may know pure love?
Are we willing to let go of who we are so we may be one with everything?

Those are the questions that have simple answers and take lifetimes to achieve.
This is why we were given more than one day in a lifetime, more than one life in our existence.
Each day we rise, each challenge we face, each body we inhabit and let go of we are one step closer to returning home.

In service

Our work is not to be noticed or appreciated.
Our work is to keep defying expectations.
Especially our own...

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Fool Child

"Like  a fool, dependent and with limited understanding of your purpose, have faith that the universe will take care of you. In accepting and following a higher order of the Universe, relax and be yourself, playfully experience its wonders, and begin the learning journey to the realization of the Universe within."

Way of the Great Oracle

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I am limitless
Drink from me
Quench your thirst
And nourish your soul
I am limitless
My roots run deep
My hands can soothe you
My womb becomes your resting place
Bury your head in my mane
My whispers will keep you safe
I am limitless
Rest your gaze on me
To see your reflection
Rest your fears in my valleys
Surrender your doubts to my peaks
Give life to my rivers with your tears
I am limitless
Let your soul be free
I am here
To lead you back home.

It's not lonely

It's cold on the edge of the world
With gusty winds beating on your face
The blazing sun burning down your throat
And loneliness is an abbys
Sweetly calling your name
Don't give in to the fears...
It is cold on the edge of the world
But it is not lonely
This is the place where the lonely warriors meet
Lay your head on my shoulder
Lay your sorrows on my heart
Gather your strength
From the power of my womb
Gaze inside to remember
It is cold on the edge of the world
But it's not lonely.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hold Infinity

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the Palm of your Hand
and Eternity in an hour"

William Blake

Cultivate power

"Cultivate power by revealing everything you kno, confessing everything you feel, showing how much you care and giving all you have"

Rob Brezny

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The journey home

When we find ourselves
Cornered and desperate for a way out
We need to remember
That we are not helpless victims
Who came here to suffer.
We chose this journey
With the purpose of experiencing
And learning from the experience.
And when we feel like there is no place to turn
No one to lean on
Take a look inside
Lean onto our own strength
Open up and see
Everyone and everything is here to support on our journey home
Look through the heart
Not the personality.
Looking at the bigger picture we will see
We chose this path for a reason
And can we walk it guided by the heart.

Searching for truth

Be eveything you've ever wanted to be
Be everything you've neer wanted to be
Be all that you are scared to be
Without reason or explanation
Without logic or excuse
It's all irrelevant
A game of searching for truth
We already know.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hold the gaze
Hold the breath
For a split second
Stepping beyond
A world beyond matter
And shape and form
Where everythig is fluid
And eternal and bright
Hold the gap
Hold the veil
Don't let it close and
Leave you wanting
Leave you empty and lost
Hold the thin line
The magic
The world between worlds
Where souls meet
To dance when no one is looking
Hold that space
The opening
Where you enter
The unknown
Beyond fear
Beyond longing
And regret
Where you know your heart
And words are no longer needed.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Flow with the universe
Surrender to its course
Surrender to the soft breath
Lulling you to sleep
And when warm tears run down
Your face
Let them flow
like a river finding its way home
Don't mistake emotion
For yearning
Don't mistake memories for sadness
And longing
Don't mistake the burn in your heart
For desire
Take it for what it is
A moment full of possibility
Full of emotion
A moment held still

Monday, July 8, 2013

Harsh truths

Let me rest on your shoulder
Hang my thoughts on your strength
Put time on hold
Let The Universe rush around us
While I take a sip of breath
Let me rest on your shoulder
While you stand guard
Face my inner deamons
While you smile at me
Caressing me
With harsh truths
Nourishing me
Without taking pity on me
Let me rest on your shoulder
Garhering my strength
While I weep


Sometimes we get lost for a reason
Threading journeys unknown
Being lost 's an illusion
Just like being alone

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Giving in to negativity, anger and self pity does nothing but separate us from the universe, resist the energy flow and sever the connections of support we have worked so hard to build.
When the negative emotion take the better of us rest, drop everything and let the heavy eyelids carry us to the place where we are supported, authentic and unlimited.
Don't ever believe to be lost or cornered or desparate. It's only a state of the tired mind.
Reach deeper, for the strength and power and beauty of the soul.
There we will always find those who love us unconditionally, waiting to take the load of our shoulders and hold us in their arms while we gather the courage to go on.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Desperately seeking ground

We seem to have lost sense of where we are, yet we are desparately looking for signs to lead us somewhere else.
To feel the ground beneath our feet, get our bearings and feel supported before we run off to somwhere else, is a whole adventure in itself.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Love is an inexhaustable source
Once we tap in it
There is no limit to what we can do.
We are unlimited

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Don't go back to sleep

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you; Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want; Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep.

♣ Rumi ♣

Monday, July 1, 2013

Lemonade and sour cherry chocolates

When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade...get some sour cherry chocolates .... And throw a fabulous party just for the fun of it.
Go all the way out.
Bring it all out.
Give what you don't have to give
Give what you don't want to give
Open all the doors you want shut
Throw off the all protective layers and
Stand naked in the rain
Laugh, cry and dance
And celebrate
For you have given more than what you can and more
You have dropped all that can be dropped and more
And have dissolved into nothigness
Returning back to the source
Where all is love