Saturday, August 24, 2013


What we call "dark forces" and demons,and fight so hard against is nothing more but the voices in our head that we try so hard to silence and deny existence.
We try so hard to fit into a category- be it good or bad, right or wrong, righteous or shameful.
We try so hard to be unidimensional and deny the existence of different layers and sides to our soul.

We are not going through this journey so we can say I was good, or I was honest, or I was compassionate, or I was nonjudgemental...
We go on  this earthly path so we can say "I experienced as much as possible"
I was good and I was bad, I lied and I was honest, I judged and I was judged, I cried and I laughed and I hurt, I was proud and I put my head down in shame, I shared and I was greedy, I was selfish and I cared for others. And amidst all that I stayed true to myself.

We are not one-dimensional, but we are One.

The duality of our existence comes from the denial of those sides if us we deem "dark" or unworthy.

In our essence there is no duality, the separation comes from our mind, from our ego, from the desire to be one thing and not another.

But we got it all wrong.

The lesson is not to be perfect or to make it out of this journey clean.
The lesson is to learn to not be afraid of the mess.

To walk barefoot and step in the mud, to make mistakes and to not know how to fix them, to admit we don't know where we are headed and have no idea where is they way out. 

Even more to stop looking for the way out but dive even deeper in the mirky water of human existence.
To laugh with joy a our own silliness and cry till the tears run dry, to hurt and be hurt, to get lost and find soul mates that make this journey worthwhile.
To dance in the rain, lie under the stars and cry with sunset.

And feel the ground beneath our feet the whole time

Dance with the chaos and remain calm in the center.

Let the opposites pull us in different directions and expand us indefinitely, while we stay true to ourselves.

To be true to ourself and to the universal spirit means to acknowledge and rejoice in our complexity, our multidimensionality and even our loss of direction sometimes.

And instead of starting each day fighting to fit into a dimension that  we may have already outgrown, start the day feeling deep in our heart which part of us we want to explore today!

1 comment:

  1. Some one turned two of my favorite stand ups' philosophies into a song that reminded me of this post:

    Love you!
