We have poisoned our rivers so we can trap water in plastic bottles
We have cut down forests of trees to build factories that pollute the air
We have imprisoned Mother Earth under concrete so we can go run on treadmills
We have advanced our minds so much we forgot where we come from
We have mutilated our nourishment and starved our soul
We have forgotten about healing and obsess about silencing the symptoms
We have devoted our time to being alone with a plasma screen
We have dedicated our lives to jobs we can't stand, making money to spend on things we don't need
We are raising our kids by bribes and threats
We rage against the system, yet we support it with our blood and sweat, with our precious time
We have closed our eyes to all the ills of our society so we can look towards the spiritual path of enlightenment
Where are we headed?
Spirit is not somewhere out in space awaiting us to glow like a lightbulb
Spirit is right here with us on this Earth, witnessing us tripping ourselves and scratching its head as to how long can this possibly go on for...
Isn't it time we just stopped?
No longer give our strength to that which we wish to be free from....
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