If we want to bring change into the world we must be first willing to work on ourselves.
We cannot bring light until we have gone deep into the dark and become the light itself.
The work in ourselves requires us to go deep into our psyche, deep into our soul, where we haven't been in ages. It asks of us to meet our deepest, darkest desires and fears, it calls to us from these places where we don't want to look.
The work we need to do is embrace those parts of ourselves we deem disgraced, inappropriate and shameful. Until we wrap our arms and our heart around the child scared to death, around the broken hearted soul, around the angry spirit and fiery human mind that is always seeking validation we are not whole. And until we are whole we can't manifest change that is enough.
Once we bridge the disconnect between mind and heart, between humanness and spirit, between reality and illusion in ourselves we can't do it for anyone else.
Find the darkness, the resistance and dive deep into it. It is going to be uncomfortable, the mind is going to scream in terror and play tricks on you, invoking unearthly fears and unbearable pain. Stay with it and breathe, breathe so deep you get lost in your breath, in your darkness, in your resistance.
Stay with it until you become one with that resistance, with that pain, with the ugliness in you.
From the ashes of your illusions the light of your soul will shine.
Like the raven that has gone into the deepest void, where the light is born and is bringing it out on its wings.
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