I am awake.... Now what?
It seems this awakening we are all longing for is not the end destination, the invaluable prize, the wholly grail.
It seems this wakening, we work so hard towards to is the just very first small step on a very steep stairway, to territories unknown.
To awaken means to be aware.
To be aware of the stories in our heads, to be aware of how we react to the daily fluctuations of the mind, to observe our mental chatter and while learning from those experiences to use our discernment as to what is real and what is a story.
Many... most of us are already awake. Yet we keep striving towards the awakening still, like puppies chasing their own end. We expected some serious boom-bang, heavenly lights and chimes to accompany our awakening, yet here we are each day squinting our eyes open and hoping the nightmare of being trapped in 3D is over. We keep hoping we have done the hard work, walked the spiritual path, paid our dues of service and now is time for the Divine Will and Light to take over and float us home on angel wings.
One tiny detail we forgot while srcambling to transcend our earthly condition is that we ARE the Divine Will. We are the Divine choosing to manifest as we are and it is our choice what we do with our awakened soul.
The trick of the whole game, I think, is that the soul, the Divine, the superconsciousness, whatever you want to call it, wants to awaken with the Mind, the human part of us still fully functioning. And while we have managed to awake and say " Here we are", we haven't totally accepted that we are in control now. Or in more human terms, we are avoiding the responsibility, still thinking small. Still accepting limitations.
The mind, because it is brilliant, has tricked us into continuing to play the game, even though the game is actually over. It will keep leading us to exotic places and illusionary worlds, until we shake off the doziness of our waking up and say, "Oh, I can just exit now." It is that simple.
And again, exiting, is not about leaving something behind and transcending into a new world where we just float around and exercise our magical powers at will.
By exiting we just drop the illusionary visions and narrow definitions of what is possible.
Anything is possible. We just haven't allowed ourselves to be totally convinced yet...
So true and so very beautiful! Release the Mind and "think" with the Heart, the Heart is the only gateway to spiritual embodiment :)