Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Not so many moons ago, it became clear to me that everyone and everything we come upon in life serves as a mirror. It is help send from other dimension, to aid us find our way through this chaos.
Whatever we see in those arounds is usually a reflection of our own image, something we couldn't see on our own.
The reflection and the shadow are in this constant game of hide and seek, one aspect becomes clear just to obscure another. It's an endless spiral.
As we learn to play this game it becomes more.... I wouldn't say enjoyable, but may be more entertaining.  We make sense of  the rules, just to discover that they no longer apply. We think we have dealt with something, just to see it come up again with more power and more depth. Most importantly, we learn not to take it so personally and seriously and we gain new tools along the way. It's the game of Life- of light and shadow in us.

Somehow our human psyche is trained to the "ugliness" first, however. The harder lessons are the first we learn. We tend not to believe the good things so readily.
It is always easier to see the dark in us, to believe the bad, to assume we are undeserving and not worthy. It is a  habit to  notice and to mirror that in others.

We forget to look into the beautiful mirrors around us.
There are the mirrors that reflect the shadows- they show us the things we want to rid ourselves of.
Yet there are the mirrors of the Beauty in us. So much harder to notice and to say " I am That too". The mirrors than inspire us to be more of our true selves.
The mirrors that inspire us to continue walking this path, not going where it is going.
The mirrors that blind us with so much Love and Light. And we are that too.
Yes, there are those who help us see ourselves as we truly are- magnificent birds spiraling in Light.

So if you look around you and see beautiful people around you, beings that mesmerize and awe you with their beauty know that you are that as well!

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