Sunday, September 23, 2012

To love is not to have

It is not the commitment to a person that i am trying so desperately to escape.
It is the commitment to a relationship.
The commitment to the role i am expected to play.
Relationships of any sort, as defined by society are so limiting in their function. Relationships are supposed to bring people closer. Instead they create a gap. Because they institutionlize the expression of our emotions. Categorize them in an arbitrary system.
And if we cannot find our way through the maze of dos and don'ts we feel like we have failed.
Does a ring on my finger really mean i love and i am loved?
Yes I may love you to death but is picking up your dirty socks really a proof of my devotion.
If We love don't we want to share this love with as many people as we can? Why should we set expectations to how much time we spend with each other?
One should be free to create smells and tastes for the sole purpose of watching another burst in sensation and joy not because it's an obligation.
When did sex and lips touching become equivalent to loving? They are an expression of it just like missing another, longing, talking, observing, feeling someone's breath or simply trusting and opening up.
Or may be greatest expression of love is restraint, letting go, giving up expectations and desires and just indulging in what we have.
Why have we limited our expression of emotions to unrelevant acts. And become such great performers in things that doesn't matter.
Love is a freedom we need to strive to attain not a role we want to fit in.

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