Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Lost in time
time repeating itself
day after day
hour after hour
forever lingering in the known
in the safe
the predictable.
Forever lost in the longing.
Lingering in the state of desire.
Unable to move on
looking for something to achieve
looking for something to have
so it can be lost and 
sought after again
eternal game of reactions
perpetual fear of loss
permanent state of unconsciousness

Monday, April 29, 2013

Change everything

Change everything without changing anything- simply drop the meanings and attachments. Dissolve the ego. And listen for instructions. Accept that this body is just a vessel and transcend personal likes and dislikes.
Bring heaven on earth...
It is all just terribly anti climactic.
The ego strives for a climax, an achievement a victory over something.
The soul just exists in the moment. It doesn't require anything.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Step out

We need to stop fixing all the problems we have created.
We need to stop looking for ways to fill the voids we have dug.
It's all a a cause and effect game that keeps us rolling in the wheel of samsara.
We need to step out.
Simply quit and let the system we have created destroy itself so we can build this world anew.
Let go of the attachments, good or bad, let go of the idea that we can somehow right all the wrong we have done.
The way we are fixing one mess, we are creating another.
Let go
Step out
Go beyond, where you never thought you would venture.
Beyond action and reaction, beyond good and bad, beyond right and wrong.
Further than the mind can go, where you are one with existence

Friday, April 26, 2013


If you think you are not loved
If you feel unsupported and alone
Look within
Examine your own behavior
Most likely you are closed off
You are blocking your own joy and bliss
Because the universe is constantly showering you in love and light,
Blessing at every step
And supporting you in every breath
Soften, allow yourself to open up and feel the warmth of Love all around you.

Safe space

Why are  we so afraid of our own abilities?
Why do we shy away from our own strength?

We have so much power yet we are so afraid of it.
We label it, judge it and shut it down!
Instead of retreating into our dark places, we should bring those dark places out.
The space, that safe space that we hide in when we feel down, when we feel threatened is not something to be afraid or ashamed of.
It's something to be honored and cherished.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


We all strive for comfort and peace yet the only peace we can ever hope to find is in the stillness of the mind.
Nothing physical, nothing of value in this tangible plane of existence can offer any comfort or sistainable peace. It all keeps slithering through our fingers, impossible to hold on to.
So if we ever wish to find some peace and comfort and keep looking outside ourselves it will remain eternally unatainable.
The only comfort and peace we can find is in our hearts. Not in attaining something outside of ourselves but becoming comforted by all that we already are, accepting that we don't need another to feel love, finding solace in our own being.
The only peace we ever wish to find comes not from another, not from acieving and attaining but from the space inside.
The space that we hide from the world and from ourselves.
The "dark place" where our tears and pain come from.
The same place where our compassion and joy come from.
The stillness.
The void, if you will.
The place we call home and go searching around for.
We already have everything that we need.
We already are everything that we can become.
We even have that peace we are so desperately searching for.
We have simply forgotten.
Drop the pretenses and ego games and remember.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


We've gotten used to covering the truth.
Layer upon layer of distraction, of the unnecessary just so we don't dig deeper and discover the shining light inside.
We don't care to even clean up or shape up the old layers, just add another when that one fails.
They are all bound to fail.
Because they have no purpose.
The only purpose being to hide who we truly are.
Why are we so afraid of our own strength, of our own abilities?
Why do we try so hard to cover the bright light that we are?
Each time we put a new skin, a new face, a new act we dim that blazing fire even more.
For what purpose?
Shed the skins and break through the layers, tumble the structures we have build to cover the original face.
Break free from the prison of our own ideas.
The prison we have built for ourselves.
For each new layer we add takes us further away from the bliss of our purpose, or our joy.
Shed them, drop them, remember who we are.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Something irrelevant

Our society, our culture, our economy is built on ways to distract ourselves, on ways to escape looking in and keep the mind entertained. 
Think about it. 
On the train, in the car, at work, even at home... How much opportunity there is to actually sit and be with yourself for a minute. 
And if we happen to sit down and pay attention to ourselves what usually happens? 
We end up making lists of things to do and worry about the irrelevant.
How many of the errands we do each day  are actually vital and important?
We stress about stuff that doesn't matter and occupy the mind with trivial chores so we don't have to face ourselves. 
And if for a moment we have the space where we don't "have" to attend to something spectacularly banal we choose to enter an exquisitely designed virtual realities, stare at LCD screen or share status updates, so others can be distracted in the most artificial way possible. 
All that so we can avoid some personal, human connection, with ourselves and with those around. 
Isn't it time we reached out and held someone's hand instead of reaching for the digital gadget?
If we want to change the world, we must be the change!
We blame big corporations for getting rich out of unnecessary, unnatural products , yet who is it that they sell their immaculate trinkets designed to distract us from the truth? 

Monday, April 22, 2013

The darkness

Your strength comes from your darkest moments, from yor anger and hurt, from you shame and self pity.
That is where the seed is planted and grows in the heat and mud of the dark.
Don't push it aside
Don't bury it
Don't be afraid of it
Don't ignore it.

Reach for it with a trembling hand, hold and nourish it.
Take care of that little fire.
Cultivate and sustain it.
And when it's matured into a healthy, strong, glowing light bring it out and manifest it.

To find your strength, your power, your light look into the darkness, into the weakness.
That is where your strength lies.
Awaitng to be awaken and nourished and brough out to dazzle to universe.

Now is the time

"In Love that is new- there must you die
Where the path begins on the other side
Melt into the sky and break free
From the prison whose wall you must smash
Greet the hue of day
Out of a fog of darkness
Now is the time"


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Abandon your resistance

Love doesn't see your physical form
It doesn't get fooled by your outrageous behavior
It only sees its own reflection in your beautiful light. 
Love doesn't ask for love in return
It doesn't demand any sacrifice
It doesn't put down conditions
It doesn't judge if you are afraid
Love simply waits for 
you to abandon your resistance
And accept that you are Pure Love 

Yoke into One

Who is the witness?
Who is it that you do everything for?
Whose validation and approval do you seek?
Who is it that you are running from
And most afraid to look in the eye?
Who is the one that judges you most severely
and whose anger do you experience the most?
Whose Love are you longing for and
Who is it that you want to be united with?
The answer to all those questions is You...

You are the witness.
You are the worst judge of yourself.
You are the place where you long to be and
It's your own Love that you most need.

Drop the illusion of separateness and yoke your body, mind and spirit into One.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I am You

It's time we stopped looking at others as our adversaries, strangers or friends.
We are all part of the same.
We are all Light beings, lost in a dark cloud.
It's time to stop distinguishing between you and me, for I am you and You are me.
We are all extensions, different manifestations of the one source of love and light.
We are on different paths, on different time lines and different states of mind, but we are all searching for one thing- the Way Home.
Wouldn't it be reasonable, if we are all headed in one direction, back to that pure source of love and light, to help each other? To stop knocking each other out of the path, stumbling and falling, judging and hindering and offer a helping hand instead?
After all, every time we hurt someone we are only hurting ourselves, and every time we distract someone from their path we are only prolonging our own journey home.

Notice, simply observe  how the mere perception that another is a part of you can bring more love into your soul, and peace into your mind, and how you become more humane and more humble.

Inspired by:

“Every time you victimized someone,” I said, “you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.”

The Egg
By: Andy Weir

The Egg
By: Andy Weir

Friday, April 19, 2013

Bound to earth

We keep on feeding the monster.
Running the rat race and adding more layers to this illusion we call reality.
We busy ourselves with the irrelevant
And worry about the unimportant
We poke our own eyes out
So we don't see
The crimes we do against our own nature
Against our brothers and sisters
Against mother earth
If we were to truly see
We would cry our hearts out
We would drown in our
We would fire up with anger.

But we blindly choose to go on
Because there is no one to blame but ourselves
And there is no easy fix
But to roll up our sleeves
And get to do the work
We should have been doing all along.

No one is coming to save us
We dug ourselves in this muddy whole and
Now it is our own duty to dig ourselves out.
No one can do the work for us.
Neither can one do it alone.

Collectively we got here
Now it's time to collectively dig ourselves out.
Grab your brothers, grab the stranger on the street, grab that person you have learned to despise, and share the load.

For those who of us who are actively creating the illusion are just as much to blame as those who silently watched them and did nothing.

It's time we stopped distracting oursleves with making money, having things, demanding Love and seeking a quick fix for the way out.

There is no way out but in.
It's time we wake up and rub our eyes open to see the destruction we have caused.
It's time we drop all this nonsense and start building anew.

We are bound to this earth, and we need to honor it and take care of it.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


"Be what you want rather than get what you want."

"If you keep focus on how you be, not what you do, whatever you do brings fulfillment."

"You can run after satisfaction, but satisfaction must come from within."

Karma Kookies

We must always stick to our truth, no matter what the universe gives- challenge or blessing.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I  find strength in the despair
Find courage in my pain
I soar 
Even when I know 
There'll be no light
That I won't see another day

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Darkness is not an option

We have gotten very comfy in our comfort zones, blinded with illusions and taking pride in what we have found to do best.
But once on the edge we get scared and scurry back in where it's nice and warm.
Lying to ourselves that we are worth something because we have found a way to fit into a category of society.
Remember that even the outcasts and subcultures are still part of our culture.
They are still labels to define pople who have found comfort and gotten lazy.
The only way out is in, and we can't stop challenging and questioning and working only because we are weary and discouraged.
It's time to step up and focus on what we came here to do.
The battle is not won when you are in shining armor, at the peak of your strength.
The war is won when you are tired, weary and covered in blood. When you see no light, but dive into the depths of despair knowing that darkness is not an option.

Blaze into eternity

Our work is to shine a light and touch everyone with Love, without seeking recognition.
Our service is to bathe every soul in pure love, no matter the resistance.
And even if we are doomed to fail, we are gona burn ourselves dancing and singing the vibrations of the light...Blazing into eternity

Monday, April 15, 2013


Feelings are patrerned behavior we refuse to take responsibiltity for.


We scream for change yet we conform to the way things are.
We point fingers and say look at the way things are.
But what do we do?
We live in our own little illusion and pretend the plague of blindness and ignorance doesn't exist.
How can we expect to change anything when we can't even change our own behavior?

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Letting go of our fears and limitations is the easy part. Those are the attributes we have labeled as unnecessary and unwanted.
The hard part comes when we start learning how to transcend our desires and dreams. Those are the characteristics we are used to see as good and desirable.
The truth is there is no good or bad, right or wrong, necessary or useless.
Those are all labels the ego has created for things that are irrelevant, entangling us in an endless game of judgement and frustration.
So the first step should be to let go of judgement.
To let go of our attachments to ideas and value systems.
To understand on emotional level that everything is the way it is and accept it as perfection in itself.

In love we rise

We are no longer the outcasts and the few people living on the fringes of society.
We are here and we are strong, we are the future.
Abandon your hiding places and rise in strength, inspire others to do the same...
In love we rise, to bring home here on beautiful earth...


Our happiness has nothing to do with the circumstances around us.
Bliss comes from knowing who we are and accepting it unconditionally.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Our choice

We all have a choice: to run away and hide, living life never looking up  and in constant fear of what is.
Or we can stay and face the wind.
Either way you are making a conscious choice.
So if you chose to stay and be challenged don't complain, don't suffer and don't take pride.
Find the joy in your work and make the hardship your song.
For no matter how challenging the day or the night
you are here building our new world instead of hiding in the depths of illusion.

Kind things

Start doing kind things for people you know little about, expect nothing in return.


When we understand we HAVE nothing, we realize how much we can give. 

Friday, April 12, 2013


The ills of our society come not from not knowing how to give but from not knowing how to receive.
Once we remember
And are open to receive our lessons and
Responsibility we will know that there is no other way but to put everything back into the spiral of the universe.

This is Love

"Your Love is not outside; it is deep within you. You can never lose it and it cannot leave you. It is not dependent on some other body, some external form. In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless and timeless  reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form. You can then feel the same life deep within every other human  and every other creature. You look beyond the veil of form and separation. This is the realization of oneness. This is Love."

Eckhart Tolle

Thursday, April 11, 2013


"The cave that you fear to enter holds the treasures that you seek."
Joseph Campbell

Tune in

The Universe is energy
Vibrating on highest frequency
We call that vibration Love
It's time we open our hearts and tune in.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The main block to transformation is the thought that we shouldn't be where we are, that we should already be further along in our growth than we perceive ourselves to be.

Karma kookie

Pay attention

The universe has a way of teaching us to be open minded by bringing us joy through the people we least expect.
It's her way of saying: Pay attention!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


By reacting to someone's actions we refuse to take responsibility for our own.
We choose to say "I was made to feel this way" instead of taking the responsibility and stand by our feeling and behavior.
Everything is a choice.
We can stand our ground and keep our integrity by not reacting to someone's words or actions.
Instead of hurtful we can choose to see them as a cry for help, a need for awareness.
No one wants to be hurtful or mean or defensive. But that is all we know.
To break the cycle one has to take charge.
We need to find the comfort and love in our own hearts and offer it to those around regardless of their actions.
Who are we to judge, who are we to discriminate and decide who needs our love and compassion?
Love does not discriminate.
It shines on everyone equally.
We have no right to meddle and become an arbiter.

We are simply a shell, we are here in this human shape and form to serve, to serve humbly.
We have been given a tremendous opportunity and it is time we stand up and take responsibility not only for ourselves but for everyone around.


We all have sorrow in hearts
That we hide and deny as if it is shameful
As if we would be punished
If we show our sadness.
Release it.
Let it flow.
For that is the only way to open space
To fill it up with Love
For ourselves and for others.
There is no distinction between heartache.
No heartache is larger or smaller than another.
But it causes us to tense, to cringe, to block, to close up.
Let the sadness and the pain, the fear and the shame wash through you. Fill you up and overwhelm you.
Do not resist.
Breathe in the heartache
Dance with the pain
Kiss gently the fears
Laugh at the shame
It's the only way to feel whole again.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Set in motion

Release your emotions and set the world in motion.
Release your fears and let the energy flow free.
Release the love you hold in your heart and set the universe on fire.
Do not force, do not seek, do not expect.
Simply put your best intetions out and let your magic do its work.
Trust with all your heart.
Open your heart expect nothing in return.


Resistance is a creation of the mind. 
Acknowledge the resistance and feel it disappear. 
Darkness can only survive without light. 
The light is within you. 
Awareness is your torch. 
Love is your guide. 
Follow it  with all your heart. 
Trusting blindly even when you feel like you are drowining. 
When you feel like there is nowhere to go take another step. 
Make love to your breath when you feel like you are suffocating. 
Flow when you feel rigid. 
Love when you feel abandoned. 
Give when you feel  cheated. 
Do right when you think life is unfair. 
Share yourself when you feel lonely. 

Friday, April 5, 2013


Thump. My dead weight hitting the floor.
A hard, bare stone floor.
Thump. My heart beating, slower and slower.
Thump. My listless soul slumping on the ground.
Coldness, bareness, lifelessness.

I think I am supposed to feel death, coldness, emptiness.

But surprisingly this is the moment i feel at ease.
The tension of having to hold myself upright gone, I feel total relief.
I have surrendered. To the floor, to gravity, to the lack of control.
Total surrender. My listless body, my broken heart, my lifeless soul prostrated on the mother earth.
I finally feel the complete support of the ground.
Comfort penetrating through my bones.
The love and support without any question
Without any condition.
Whithout is only when you are not whithin.

I have died.
I finally feel alive.

Just be

Just be
Feel the pain
That is raging through your veins
Bringing life into your being
Ravishing your heart
And singing
Sweet words of love
You into the floor
And make you beg for more.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


We can show others the way but we can't make them walk it. 
Sometimes the best thing is to keep walking, set an example and trust they will follow.


Why is a question of the mind.
Looking for logic, looking for reason, looking for excuses, looking for validation.
Looking to explain the marvelous by harnessing it into the limited dimensions of the ego.

To go beyond the mind abandon the reason, stop asking why.
Simply accept, without judging without praise, without labeling.
Revel in what is.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A choice

Are we leading our lives or simply floating along like a leaf blown by the wind?

Have we taken charge of our destiny or are we waiting for one thing or another to happen?

Does the feeling of being stuck overwhelm , while we keep pushing the blame from one side to another refusing to look at ourselves and take responsibility for our actions.

Isn't time to take charge?
Stop pointing fingers at others judging, blaming and labeling and take a good look at what we do.

It's a hard truth to face the ungliness of your own existence, but it is there just as anyone else's.
May be we have given into the tide just because it's too hard to take a stand and swim against the current.
We put up with words and actions simply not to confront.

We blame the system but we are still a part of the system.

Everything in life is a choice.
Choosing to believe that there is another option and we can stand up and make our own destiny is the first choice we need to make.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The toughest battle is not lead when you are fresh and fired up, ready to leap into the fire.
The most important moments are the ones where you are exhausted, bled to death and stripped down to the bare bone, when you don't know from where you can get the strength for the next step.
But you do, you continue knowing that giving up is not an option.
You close your eyes, surrender to the despair and pain and go on walking, blindly trusting in the higher power that resides within your heart.
A faith that comforts you and leads you through the fire.
In those moments you are alone, yet you gather strength from thousands that stand with you. You lean on others for support but you know only you can get yourself through.


Each time we plunge into the darkness of doubt
a part of us dies,
each time we emerge into light
we are reborn again
stronger than before.

The bumps of life, no matter how small or how big
are simply the transitions from one vibration to another.
Each time life rocks you to the bare bone
rejoice, revel in the emotion
for it means you are strong enough to bear it
and you are ready to move onto another level.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Rough moments

The tough days, the hard experiences, the rough moments are given to us so we can see our shortcomings, gather our strength and grow.
Plunge into the darkness so the light can emerge from you.