We keep on feeding the monster.
Running the rat race and adding more layers to this illusion we call reality.
We busy ourselves with the irrelevant
And worry about the unimportant
We poke our own eyes out
So we don't see
The crimes we do against our own nature
Against our brothers and sisters
Against mother earth
If we were to truly see
We would cry our hearts out
We would drown in our
We would fire up with anger.
But we blindly choose to go on
Because there is no one to blame but ourselves
And there is no easy fix
But to roll up our sleeves
And get to do the work
We should have been doing all along.
No one is coming to save us
We dug ourselves in this muddy whole and
Now it is our own duty to dig ourselves out.
No one can do the work for us.
Neither can one do it alone.
Collectively we got here
Now it's time to collectively dig ourselves out.
Grab your brothers, grab the stranger on the street, grab that person you have learned to despise, and share the load.
For those who of us who are actively creating the illusion are just as much to blame as those who silently watched them and did nothing.
It's time we stopped distracting oursleves with making money, having things, demanding Love and seeking a quick fix for the way out.
There is no way out but in.
It's time we wake up and rub our eyes open to see the destruction we have caused.
It's time we drop all this nonsense and start building anew.
We are bound to this earth, and we need to honor it and take care of it.