Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Something irrelevant

Our society, our culture, our economy is built on ways to distract ourselves, on ways to escape looking in and keep the mind entertained. 
Think about it. 
On the train, in the car, at work, even at home... How much opportunity there is to actually sit and be with yourself for a minute. 
And if we happen to sit down and pay attention to ourselves what usually happens? 
We end up making lists of things to do and worry about the irrelevant.
How many of the errands we do each day  are actually vital and important?
We stress about stuff that doesn't matter and occupy the mind with trivial chores so we don't have to face ourselves. 
And if for a moment we have the space where we don't "have" to attend to something spectacularly banal we choose to enter an exquisitely designed virtual realities, stare at LCD screen or share status updates, so others can be distracted in the most artificial way possible. 
All that so we can avoid some personal, human connection, with ourselves and with those around. 
Isn't it time we reached out and held someone's hand instead of reaching for the digital gadget?
If we want to change the world, we must be the change!
We blame big corporations for getting rich out of unnecessary, unnatural products , yet who is it that they sell their immaculate trinkets designed to distract us from the truth? 

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