Tuesday, April 9, 2013


By reacting to someone's actions we refuse to take responsibility for our own.
We choose to say "I was made to feel this way" instead of taking the responsibility and stand by our feeling and behavior.
Everything is a choice.
We can stand our ground and keep our integrity by not reacting to someone's words or actions.
Instead of hurtful we can choose to see them as a cry for help, a need for awareness.
No one wants to be hurtful or mean or defensive. But that is all we know.
To break the cycle one has to take charge.
We need to find the comfort and love in our own hearts and offer it to those around regardless of their actions.
Who are we to judge, who are we to discriminate and decide who needs our love and compassion?
Love does not discriminate.
It shines on everyone equally.
We have no right to meddle and become an arbiter.

We are simply a shell, we are here in this human shape and form to serve, to serve humbly.
We have been given a tremendous opportunity and it is time we stand up and take responsibility not only for ourselves but for everyone around.

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