Are we leading our lives or simply floating along like a leaf blown by the wind?
Have we taken charge of our destiny or are we waiting for one thing or another to happen?
Does the feeling of being stuck overwhelm , while we keep pushing the blame from one side to another refusing to look at ourselves and take responsibility for our actions.
Isn't time to stand up, dust off and take charge?
Stop pointing fingers at others judging, blaming and assuming and take a good look at what we do.
It's a hard truth to face the ugliness of our own existence, but it is there just as anyone else's.
May be we have given into the tide just because it's too hard to take a stand and swim against the current.
We put up with words and actions simply not to confront.
We put up with our own words and actions simply our of habit!
We blame the system but we are still a part of the system.
Everything in life is a choice.
Choosing to believe that there is another option and we can stand up and make our own destiny is the first choice we need to make.
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