Dear Soul,
You chose this earthly existence so you can work out your karma, experience new adventures, learn from your mistakes and take one step further along the road to ultimate freedom.
And somehow, here you are entagled in emotions and judgement just about everything and everyone, attached to this physical body and identifying yourself with this unsteady mind.
You have become one with fear, you have tied yourself down and covered yourself with a dusty blanket just so that you don't feel that same pain you came to learn from and transcend.
You use the illusion of feelings to escape responsibility and the fear of pain as an excuse to stay covered and hidden.
And everytime you poke head out and take a glimpse of the light, you run back under your cozy blanket scared to look the very adversary you came to take command over in the eye. Yes, I am talking about the Ego, you have let this friend twist you around his little finger, wrap you in so many layers of illusion, you no longer have an idea what is out and what is in.
How many more lifetimes are we going to waste listening to this foolish personality we have created? How many more lifetimes are we going to "try" to go beyond the illusions of the Ego?
How many more eons of time are we going to cower under an invisibility cloak cutting our own wings and chaining our own ankles, so we can convince ourswlves we can't fly?
Honestly, it is getting tiring!
The sword of truth lays in your hands, and you can cut through the fog of deception in the blink of the eye.
The key to your cage is in your hands and only you can make the choice to open that door and fly out.
It makes no sense to sit under your dark, heavy blanket and ask when the pain is going to stop, when you are the one making it real and you are the only one who can stop it.
You scream and fight and resist and try to escape.... The prison of the mind YOU Are allowing to exist, and the more you resist and the more you fight the more you breathe life into it.
You have thrown away your own limitless power, kicked it in the corner and you allow this delusional human Ego to walk around terrorizing others and feed on their power, feeding its appetite that grows stronger and stronger every day and can never be satisfied simply because it is unreal.
You are allowing the monster to exist, you are nourishing and growing it and then stomp your feet and grind your teeth that you are not in command.
Guess what, the time has come to throw off the blanket, march into that corner and dust of that infinite power you are so afraid of.
Harness the power of your free will and take command over the delusions of the Ego.
Instead of letting your mind run your rampant, take control and use it!
Use it to clean up the incredible mess you have allowed Mother Earth to become!
Use it to share the love and compassion in that is in that enormous heart of yours, instead of creating competition and conflict all the time.
It is time.
It is time to wake up in this dream and make this beautiful place our home.
It is time to remember where you came from and what you came for.
To create, to be with joy, to experience and to learn.
You seem to have forgotten where you came from and who you are! Dear soul, you are infinite light, and you come from the source of pure Love.
You are pure Love, you are the place where there is no shadow and no doubt. You are the space where we all exist. You are one with everyone and everythhing, so all this petty competition and jealousy and separation are simply nonexistent.
And whenever you find it hard to remember, I am here to remind you:You are Infinite Love!
Wake up, dust yourself off and get to work for we have much cleaning up and fixing up to do.
Put that beautiful mind to work and let's get going for we all want to make this beautiful planet our home.
Endless Love,