Sunday, December 29, 2013


Sometimes we get lost for a reason
Threading journeys unknown
Being lost 's an illusion
Just like being alone

Friday, December 27, 2013


The purpose of life is not to end suffering  but to realize it never existed, but in your own mind. 
Don't avoid the pain or mitigate it, don't deny it. 
Take it, feel it, look at it examine it closely, get passionate about it and taste it fully. 
And when every fiber of your body is vibrating with pain so fully you are about to desintegrate into it, hold it. 
Look it straight in in the eye and own it. 
And then release it- laughing with joy, experiencing every moment of it and the lesson it teaches you, fill it up with the ecstasy of the journey, let it rush through you as the greatest cosmic orgasm and enjoy it to the last bit. 
Let it linger, in your mouth, in your hair and your fingertips, in the smell on the crease of your neck. 
Integrate into your being, not as your suffering but as your blessing. 
Your pain is a part of you, don't suffer it.
Love it passionately. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The highest vibration

We are just manifestations of our soul. So you can't necessarily separate one from the other. 
We often think of the "soul" as some attribute of us, something separate. What we call "soul" is the source, the infinite knowledge. The place where I am you and everyone else.  The body is just a grosser energy, manifesting in this realm. But  we create this duality by thinking the two are separate. 
So the purpose is not to learn to transcend the body but  to finally bring forth what we truly are.
 To liberate into this grosser form by learning to vibrate on a different frequency. 
The highest vibration being love. Not physical, lustfull, romantic love. But infinite pure love for every being and every moment. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My soul remembers

My soul remembers
The breath
The skin
The fire within
My soul remembers
The longing
The tears
The spaces between
My soul remembers
The honor
The care
The light we had seen
My soul remembers
The life in my womb
The spark in the eye
The service
The quarrel
Standing with you
My soul remembers
It still holds on
To the terror
The slaughter
Not knowing
Not wanting to leave...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Isn't it time

We have poisoned our rivers so we can trap water in plastic bottles
We have cut down forests of trees to build factories that pollute the air
We have imprisoned Mother Earth under concrete so we can go run on treadmills
We have advanced our minds so much we forgot where we come from
We have mutilated our nourishment and starved our soul
We have forgotten about healing and obsess about silencing the symptoms
We have devoted our time to being alone with a plasma screen
We have dedicated our lives to jobs we can't stand, making money to spend on things we don't need
We are raising our kids by bribes and threats
We rage against the system, yet we support it with our blood and sweat, with our precious time
We have closed our eyes to all the ills of our society so we can look towards the spiritual path of enlightenment
Where are we headed?
Spirit is not somewhere out in space awaiting us to glow like a lightbulb
Spirit is right here with us on this Earth, witnessing us tripping ourselves and scratching its head as to how long can this possibly go on for...
Isn't it time we just stopped?
No longer give our strength to that which we wish to be free from....

Monday, December 2, 2013


When you want to shut down
Open up
When you want to run
When you want to cry 
When you want to die
Breathe deeper
When you want to shrink
When you want to doubt
When you want to hate
Love more
When you want to punish
When you want to feel sadness
Find joy
When you want to be angry
Be grateful
When you feel that you have lost someone
Find your own self
When you want to be still 
When you seek silence
When you want to fight
Become humble

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sing for me

Sing for me
Guide my way
Let me rest my weary soul
On your song

Let the drumbeat mark my footsteps
Let the violin sing my pain
Let the notes if your song
Carry me on

Sing for me
Guide my way
Let me rest weary head
On your voice
Let the drumbeat mark my footsteps
Let the violin sing my pain
Let the notes of your voice 
Carry me on

Sing for me
Guide my way
Let me rest my weary heart 
On your Love

Let the drumbeat mark my footsteps
The the violin cry my pain
Let the notes of your Love 
Carry me Home
Let the voice of your Love 
Carry me Home
Let the Love of your Voice
Carry me Home. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dear Soul

Dear Soul,

You chose this earthly existence so you can work out your karma, experience new adventures, learn from your mistakes and take one step further along the road to ultimate freedom.
And somehow, here you are entagled in emotions and judgement just about everything and everyone, attached to this physical body and identifying yourself with this unsteady mind. 
You have become one with fear, you have tied yourself down and covered yourself with a dusty blanket just so that you don't feel that same pain you came to learn from and transcend. 
You use the illusion of feelings to escape responsibility and the fear of pain as an excuse to stay covered and hidden. 
And everytime you poke head out and take a glimpse of the light, you run back under your cozy blanket scared to look the very adversary you came to take command over in the eye. Yes, I am talking about the Ego, you have let this friend twist you around his little finger, wrap you in so many layers of illusion, you no longer have an idea what is out and what is in. 
How many more lifetimes are we going to waste listening to this foolish personality we have created? How many more lifetimes are we going to "try" to go beyond the illusions of the Ego?
How many more eons of time are we going to cower under an invisibility cloak cutting our own wings and chaining our own ankles, so we can convince ourswlves we can't fly?
Honestly, it is getting tiring!
The sword of truth lays in your hands, and you can cut through the fog of deception in the blink of the eye. 
The key to your cage is in your hands and only you can make the choice to open that door and fly out. 
It makes no sense to sit under your dark, heavy blanket and ask when the pain is going to stop, when you are the one making it real and you are the only one  who can stop it. 
You scream and fight and resist and try to escape.... The prison of the mind YOU Are allowing to exist, and the more you resist and the more you fight the more you breathe life into it. 
You have thrown away your own limitless power, kicked it in the corner and you allow this delusional human Ego to walk around terrorizing others and feed on their power, feeding its appetite that grows stronger and stronger every day and can never be satisfied simply because it is unreal. 
You are allowing the monster to exist, you are nourishing and growing it and then stomp your feet and grind your teeth that you are not in command.
Guess what, the time has come to throw off  the blanket, march into that corner and dust of that infinite power you are so afraid of. 
Harness the power of your free will and take command over the delusions of the Ego. 
Instead of letting your mind  run your rampant, take control and use it!
Use it to clean up the incredible  mess you have allowed Mother Earth to become!
Use it to share the love and compassion in that is in that enormous heart of yours, instead of creating competition and conflict all the time.
It is time.  
It is time to wake up in this dream and make this beautiful place our home. 
It is time to remember where you came from and what you came for. 
To create, to be with joy, to experience and to learn.  
You seem to have forgotten where you came from and who you are!  Dear soul, you are infinite light, and you come from the source of pure Love. 
You are pure Love, you are the place where there is no shadow and no doubt. You are the space where we all exist. You are one with everyone and everythhing, so all this petty competition and jealousy and separation are simply nonexistent. 
And whenever you find it hard to remember, I am here to remind you:You are Infinite Love!
Wake up, dust yourself off and get to work for we have much cleaning up and fixing up to do.
Put that beautiful mind to work and let's get going for we all want to make this beautiful planet our home. 

Endless Love,


Monday, November 25, 2013

It's not a Sin

It's not a sin to love,
It's not a sin to open
A heart and hold it 
Beating in my palms
Especially if it's my own,
It's not a sin to sing
A song so ravishing 
And painful
It breaks the walls
Of separation,
It's not a sin to travel
To edges of the earth
And dance
In other's dreams
To beat the drums
Of consciousness
And wake another soul,
It's not a sin to yearn
For the fire of my home
A space so rich of sound
And color
We only lay our eyes upon
During our sacred journeys
Of the night,
It's not a sin to Be,
To be alone
To be in power
To command
To lead in battle
To sacrifice
To heal
It's not a sin to mourn
When leaving another heart
Until another time
Another space
While slowly waking
And getting ready 
For another day. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pray with me

pray with me
allow me to sit
even if I don't belong
allow me to heal you
and in that healing to find my own.
open your heart 
and allow
softness to be your pillow
forgiveness the ground you lay on 
compassion your blanket,
Love the stary night above.
I sit with you
I pray
I open my heart 
so you can open yours
without deserving
without asking
be the child 
you never allowed yourself to be
be with yourself and the other
be with the child  with the Mother.
don't regret the pain
for it is the darkness 
that made you seek the Light,
let go the resistance
it's the only shadow blocking the horizon
allow the connection
allow the power of the womb 
to find you
penetrate you
guide you to the Source...
that's where I will meet you

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Project Sagittarius

With the  glorious sun moving into the fire sign of Sagittarius, the seeker of the truth I start a new  project, or rather a new practice.
This glyph of the Archer symbolizes the desire for direction, a higher purpose, and abundance. 
Sagittarius represents  our attempt to free ourselves from man's animal nature.

I start the practice of paying close attention to my actions and identifying what comes from the heart and what comes from the Ego.
And each time I make a note and remind myself how I could have acted or expressed myself differently.
It doesn't have to be drastic, one little thing each day. Could be as simple as smiling at someone who doesn't like me, or yielding the right of way down the train when I am in a rush, not eating the last cookie in the jar, or apologizing first.
Start knowing what comes from the heart and what comes from the mind and making a conscious choice each moment.
This is my practice, this is my prayer.
Feel free to join me and share your experience
It is the small steps that make the journey.


Habits, rituals, prayers.... we all like to build a safe space somewhere where we can retreat during the storms of life.
Sometimes we forget though, that the safest space is being with ourselves.
The most sacred temple is the body that carries us on this journey, each step is a prayer and the only candle we would ever need is the flame of our own heart.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Undress my soul

Standing by the fire
Undress my soul
So I can feel the flame
 on my naked skin
Melt the layers of ice
Collected through the years
Melt the fears
Flowing down my breasts
With tears of surrender
Flowing a river
Down my legs and into the Earth
A river of passion
A river of acceptance
An ocean of compassion
Eternal pool of Light

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Flow me home

Take off the invisibility cloak
Let it slither to the ground
I want to be seen
I want to be heard
Not for what I do
But for who I am

Open up the cage
I wanna fly with sky
Light and free
Greeting the sun 
In my arms each morning. 

Crack this shell open
The withered shell 
Around my heart
Old and grey
Hard as a stone
Let it fall to the ground
Sprouting a river
A river to flow me home

Open me
Gently and firmly
Let me see in my heart
Let me feel on my lips
Let me spiral in rapture
Blazing like falling star. 

Friday, November 15, 2013


The longing is vast.
A flame that excites without warning and burns sometimes for days, blazing through the darkness of my solitude, extinguishing the logic of reason.
The longing is endless.
There is no shore in sight, only the palpable yearning to be united with the rest of me, the desire to be heard without words, the wish to be held without physical shape, to go deeper and deeper in the underworld, supported only by the light of the flame. 
Resting on the vibration of song that can be heard by no other. 
Sinking into the softness of love that can't be expressed in the realm of the physical. 
Boldly trekking forward into  unknown territory and never again feeling alone, knowing I have found the self- love in the reflection of your eyes, the self- worth in the corner of your lip, the unconditional love in the soft touch of your hand. 
Knowing that I have offered the same.
Knowing there is no space between you and me. 
Two flames of the same fire. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tonight I dance Love

Tonight I dance Love
Sweet and compassionate
Like the petal of rose
Angry and selfish
Like the sting of its thorn
Tonight I dance Love
Fiery and passionate
Like the kiss on my lips
Gentle and nourishing 
Like the breast of the Mother
Tonight I dance Love
Free and generous
Dark and mysterious
Deep and painful
Soft and inquisitive
Love that bleeds from my heart
Love that seeps through my veins
Love that breathes life into this shape. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Comfort me

Embrace me with your fierceness
Guide me with the pain in your eyes
Nourish me with the bliss of your voice
Bridge this gap between worlds
With your song

Kiss me with the breath of death, that
Swallowed us thousnadths of time
Across time and space
Coaxing us
To awake in the dream
To unite the here with now

Wake in me
The memory
Of who I was before time was time
Before the sun rose in your smile

Comfort me 
With the circle of your arms
Across time and across continents
Through journeys and 
Haze of forgetfulness
Keep coming towards me
Sing in my dreams
Guiding me,
Guiding us 
Towards the Light. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I invite in my life new vibrations, not good or bad, but stripped of labels, judgements and opinion, taking me beyond the limitations of the mind.
I invite into my life new challenges that will help me grow and learn and share my lessons.
I invite into my life new manifestations of energy, not right or wrong but teaching me to experience my emotions fully, without holding back.
I invite into my life people, those I have walked with in this lifetime and those who I am yet to come upon.
For those souls who have already touched my earthly experience, I humbly pray to be able to see you with fresh eyes, free of judgement and prejudice; not carrying the weight of the past and without feeding expectations of the future, simply sharing the joy of the present moment.
For those who I am yet to find, I wish to meet you with an open heart and open arms, offering only love and compassion and asking for nothing in return but the ability to share and learn together on this path.
I invite teachers in my life, may they be new or familiar, people or situations, present or past, from which I can gather wisdom and experience and learn to love more.
I invite  new opportunities, joyous or sad, full or laughter or tears, opening me to the endless possibilities of the Universe.
I am open and receptive to the flow of the Universe, praying  only to heal and be healed, offering no judgements and having no expectations, simply walking towards the Light.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Solitude is tremendous....
A vast ocean of emotions, waves of comfort, voids of loneliness, depths of emptiness. 
When I learn to swim in that ocean without fear of loosing myself,
When I learn to ride on the waves and not wish for relief,
When I learn to plunge to the bottomlesness  without the longing for the company of another,
When I learn to seek comfort in my own presence, find warmth in the beauty of my own flame, to be lead by the light of my own vision, and to trust my own heart,
When learn to sleep with the desolation each night and wake up in its arms each morning, not breathing into existence imaginary realities,
When I no longer feed my anger and blame others for my loneliness,
When I learn to rest into the desolation and be comforted by the flame of my own heart,
Then I can say I have lived and I have learned,
Then I can say I am whole and I am on my way home. 


As the priestess you symbolize the law of knowledge. You know the truth, see what lies beneath the surface. Apply the psycho spiritual arts in a practical, influential, worldly way. 
Through dreams and meditation allow the moon subconscious to rise to the conscious awareness. 
In your watery receptivity you are a reflection pool, a mirror to others. 
You are a counselor, wise like the owl.
Like a dolphin, tune into other's vibrations. 
You are the Oracle, foresee. 
The queen, Nefertiti symbolizes your ability to bring the metaphysical perceptions into the  material world.  

The Tarot Voyager

Friday, November 8, 2013


Each time we plunge into the darkness of doubt
a part of us dies,
 each time we emerge into light
we are reborn again
stronger than before.

The bumps of life, no matter how small or how big
are simply the transitions from one vibration to another.
Each time life rocks you to the bare bone
rejoice, revel in the emotion
for it means you are strong enough to bear it
and you are ready to move onto another level.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The rules of the game have changed

I squeezed 
through the eye of the needle
Desolate ground
Only the whisper of wind
Unknown territory
Calmness and queitude
Silence and death
A whole new me to discover
A new world to explore 

I bow my head before you, Mother
I lay down my sword
No longer, fighting blindly
Shine your light
So I can learn 
To live in peace

The rules of the game have changed
A new day ahead
A new scenery's opened
No clue how to navigate. 

A new path to walk
No sign, no hand to follow 
Time to start walking
Making love to the unknown

The old page has turned
New chapter waits to be read
No new language
No symbols, 
Empty space instead

Standing at the doorway
I look inside
Light and darkness intertwine
In a solitary maze
Razor blade focus
To cut through the haze

No effort to make
No army to lead
No deamons to fight
But my own
Comfort and peace
Are the hardest ground to stand on

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Remember, remember

remember, remember
the blood streaks
running down your legs
the darkness of death
and flames of shame

remember, remember
liberating  pain
tearing your heart apart
and screaming in vain

remember, remember
burying your own children
digging the dirt with your hands
hot tears the only prayer over them

remember, remember
the fight and the pride
the weapons you carried
the killing in vain

remember, remember
the plight out to sea
seeking for gold
seeking for me

remember, remember
the horror and pain
strangers in your land
plunder and rape
killing for faith

remember, remember
the darkness of dawn
the promise of light
the tremble of your body
bursting with fright

remember, remember
the cold and the frost
the lure of the dead
in white barren lands
far up the northern skies

remember, remember
the darkness of your womb
where all life started
deep in the woods

remember, remember
the comfort of home
before time began
where we were all one

remember, remember
the softness of Earth
the hug of the trees
moist soil underneath your feet

remember, remember
the green of the moss
the call of the rana 
the smell of the vine

remember, remember
the taste of the earth
the milk of the mother
the feel of the home

remember remember
embrace of the forrest
guided by the stars
follow the river
she's leading you home

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rise, Beautiful Mother

Rise, beautiful Mother
Raise up your head
You've been buried too long
Down in the netherlands

Rise from the ashes
Rise from the mud
Raise up your power
Lift up the Earth

Shine in the sky 
Like a beautiful star
Leading us forward 
Ready to fight

Rise from ashes
Rise from the mud
Raise up your power
Lift up the Earth

Open your heart
Blaze in the dark
Leading us homeward
Guiding with Love

Rise from the ashes
Rise from the mud
Raise up your power
Lift up the Earth

Monday, October 28, 2013


I love you madly
With every hot drop of my blood
I love you deeply
With every fresh breath in my lungs
I love you gently
With every  burning tear down my cheek
I love you dearly
With every fiber of my body
I love you eternally
For you are nothing but light
I love you beautifully
For you fill my heart with joy
I love you admiringly
For you send butterflies my way
I love you entirely
For you gave me life
I love you endlessly
For you and me are one

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The dawn of being

Love cannot exist in time,

The nature of love is timelessness. 

Pure love is eternal. 
It has no beginning and no end. 
You cannot win it or loose it.
You cannot give it, deserve it or grant it.
It exists in you unconditionally.
It has always existed inside you, just someone had to come along and like a mirror shine it back at you, for you to see. 
It is the most beautiful thing..... The dawn of Being. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013


A teardrop ran down my lip
Like petal of a flower
A song forgotten in the wind
That sings of tales of power
That same drop 
Running down my chin
Etching a path
For another one to follow
And slowly, gently on my neck
Like flutter kisses
Blazing pictures  on my skin
A memory so long forgotten...

Monday, October 21, 2013

When the world is upside down

When the world is upside down
And what is right has been called wrong
The current is dragging you
Into your death
Shadows crawling
Ghosts whispering
Seductive lies into your head.
When you notice the sun
sliding behind you
Leaving you into an endless night
It's time to turn around
Walk away from the crowd

It's when you feel the breeze
Under your hands
Mother Earth breathing life
In your footsteps
The ocean calling your name
And the wind giving you wings
To fly against the current. 
You know 
you are walking the sacred way home. 

There is no road to follow
No signs ahead
No guides to show you 
the treacherous holes
Only fingers pointed 
Empty faces frowning
" you are walking the wrong way"
And hands pulling you down
And dead bodies blocking the way. 
But It's when you follow
The song of the heart
Leading you down the path
That no one is walking
The voice of your soul
Gently talking
Whispering secrtes
So forgotten andd dark
That everyone in your world
Has turned their back
Keep on walking
With a song on your lips
Let go of the hand of Fear
It's only holding you back
Come face the Sun and the stars
Step by step
Each one closer to home
Where the soul belongs. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Can we dare dream?

We all live in oppression. 
Oppression of someone else's opinion, someone else's judgement or the fear of someone else's words or actions. 
We live in a world of bullies. 
Where we allow ourselves to be bullied and in turn we misplace our own anger onto those who allow us to bully them. 
Constantly reinvesting our precious energy into a vicious circle. 
It is time to stop. 
Drop the power struggle and abandon the need to assert ourselves onto another human being just so we don't feel powerless. 
Stand in our own strength, on our own two feet, responsible for our actions, words and thoughts. Responsible for our feelings. 
And most importantly responsible for our power. 
Can we dare dream of a world where there is no power struggly?
Can we dare manifest that dream from our own actions?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


We live with the fascinating notion that when things get out of hand, when life takes a turn we didn't expect, or don't get everything the way we want we should scramble and attempt to fix.... Everything. 
We power up, toughen up, start new projects and get everything done.  
We close up, put on the armor and ready ourselves for a battle so we can get it "right". 
We blind ourselves to the way things are and only see how we want them to be. 
We cut ourselves off the present moment so we don't have to deal with the chaos or feel the disappointment. 

Ironically, the only thing we need to do when the shit hits the fan is... To sit in the shit. 
Sink really nice and deep ad feel the tight embrace of all that is going "wrong". 
Dive into the darkness and soak in the chaos. 
Breathe in the muke of our own dead ideals and rotten dreams. 
Sink deeper into the filth of unborn desires and repressed fears. 
And stay there, until we loose that "Yuk" sensation and get really nice and comfy. 
Once we no longer tremble with desire to get out and get "cleaned up" is when we can finally stand up and keep walking with no goal in sight but the next mud puddle. 

Monday, October 14, 2013


If delusion is all I have to keep me going, then I shall hold onto it with all my heart
If illusion is the only light
That shows my way
I shall cherish it until my last breath. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Until my last breath

Find my anger, 
fuel my rage,
Sing my war song 
with the last of my breath,
Dance to the rhythm of my own heart 
and die with freedom on my lips.  

Anger born not out of my fear
But of my compassion
Rage carried in my veins 
From eons of repression
Violence fueled by the aggression
Towards my sacred soul 

Rip a cry out of me, Mother,
Gift me a war song
Rip my soul into pieces 
Bleed my heart out
To feed the hungry soldiers
To quench the thirst of the soil

Gift me courage, Mother,
And strength
To hold in my arms
The dying
To breathe power in the lines
Of my men
To carry the spirit of freedom
To lead and sing the war song
Until my last breath. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Another name

I want to face the Angel of Death
Become One with her
I want to feel the coldness of her fingers
I want to drink the chill of her breath

Wrap her fingers around my heart
Embrace the darkness of my soul
A serpent is rising in me
And I am not afraid of its rage. 

Another face of the flame in me
Just as true as the light
Darkness not out of ignorance
Blackness as the twin of the Light

Another name for the Love in me
Born out of compassion
Born out of wrath
Violence reigns in me
Carried on infinite light. 

Light the fire in me
I put down the sword and the guard
I fight with the light in me
With the Love in my heart

I come not to conquer
I fight not for my might
I come to bring freedom
and bring my soul back to life
I come to remind 
of the limitless possibilities
I come to show you the Light. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Stay with me Mother

Shine on me, Mother
Shower me with your light. 
Let me step into the fire
Not because I am strong and ready
But because I am scared and weak. 

I bow before you, Mother
In reverence 
In humble prayer
Give me guidance
Give me light
So I can bear your luminous might. 

I am nothing but a vessel
Carrying your word
Serving your will
Following your steps. 

I bow before you humbly
Let me be able
Let me be enough
To be with you
I am not strong, Mother
But I am willing 
To walk down  the path

Stay with me when I stray off the road
Stay with me in my moments of weakness
Stay with me when I am lost
Stay with me in delusional victory. 

Bathe me in your tenderness, Mother,
Wrap me in your  glorious wrath
Feed me with compassion
Lull me to sleep in your fog. 

So I wake up tireless
Forgotten the horrors of yesterday
Eager to take up the path once more
Singing your beautiful song. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How much I love you

The Love that makes me happy is the Love that I can share with you. 
Why do I need to deny that I Love you?
It is not important if you Love me back. 
I may die tomorrow or you may die tomorrow. 
What makes me happy now is to let you know how much I love you"

Don Miguel Ruiz

Monday, September 30, 2013

The gift of light

The gift of light will appear when you take in the fear. 

Friday, September 27, 2013


"When you are impeccable you take reaponsibility for your actions, but you don't judge or blame yourself."

Don Miguel Ruiz

Monday, September 23, 2013

Life will break you

"Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either because solitude will break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed ot left or hurt or death brushes near let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you wasted as many as you can."
Louise Erdrich
From the Talking  Drum

Saturday, September 21, 2013

we danced

and we danced...
we danced scattering our seeds into the ground, ploughing and turning it anew, breeding life in the womb of the Earth.
We danced to shed our old skin and make space for the new, we danced to face our inner, darker self and love it as our own child.
We dropped into the feet and into the mud, rooting our bodies and binding ourselves to this earth to this time.

We jumped with the rhythm of spring,  we laughed and we danced from flower to flower, from moment to moment, carrying the breath of creation.
we spread our wings and we flew over and over the beautiful earth, finding our family and celebrating new connections, painting new horizons and singing new songs... we danced, the crazy rhythms of  beautiful children..

We danced through new moons and full moons, we danced through the summer, spreading our fire and stumping our feet, reeking havoc
We lost sense of time, sense of space, sense of ourselves , we lost our separatenenss and became one with the rhythm of drum
thump, thump, thump, we dropped into the breath, into the hips, into the fire of the womb, the chaos... we became everything and nothing and we danced and we danced well into the night underneath the moon, spilling our anguish, our agony, our tears and our blood into the Earth, making sure she will be fertile to bear offspring again, that she will create love out of pain..

Here we are at the treshold of the new beginning, the harvest, the rebirth, letting go of all the dance and listening only to the rhythm of our heart... slow and steady, nearing an end, letting go of all that no longer serves and readying ourselves for rebirth, reliving all the joy and the sorrow, the tears and the laughter, the pain and the ecstasy.... letting flow in and flow out in an infinite cycle of life... we danced... feeling the softness, feeling the caress of the fall wind dance into our fingers and our hair... feeling the first chill, we braced for the long journey to come

Giving birth to our new selves- stronger, wiser, fuller, determined to dive into the darkness of winter again, knowing fully what we are to face and joyous with the challenge... we dance... we dance to create life again from nothing, to flower from  the dirt, to shine light from the darkness, not only to dance but to sing, for we have found our song, our heart, our calling... and we dance... 

we dance into circles, spinning waves of light, waves of love, waves of chaos and creation, eternally grateful, eternally blossoming into the night, endlessly creating life only to face Death again  and be reborn,  again and again... an infinite dance with the cycle of life...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Let dissolve

The only suffeing comes from attachment. 
Atrachment to things, to people, to relationships, to ideas. 
Attachment to our personality, to who we think we are, to our separate identity.
To let dissolve, to melt into nothingness, and become one with the Universe is the most challenging and most rewarding journey we will ever undertake. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The choice

Are we leading our lives or simply floating along like a leaf blown by the wind?

Have we taken charge of our destiny or are we waiting for one thing or another to happen?

Does the feeling of being stuck overwhelm , while we keep pushing the blame from one side to another refusing to look at ourselves and take responsibility for our actions.

Isn't time to stand up, dust off and take charge?
Stop pointing fingers at others judging, blaming and assuming and take a good look at what we do.

It's a hard truth to face the ugliness of our own existence, but it is there just as anyone else's.
May be we have given into the tide just because it's too hard to take a stand and swim against the current.
We put up with words and actions simply not to confront.
We put up with our own words and actions simply our of habit!

We blame the system but we are still a part of the system.

Everything in life is a choice.
Choosing to believe that there is another option and we can stand up and make our own destiny is the first choice we need to make.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


"If it is love we are making, even though we are apprehensive or frightened, we are willing to untangle the bones of Death nature.  We are willing to touch the not- beautiful in another, in ourselves. Behind this challenge is a cunning test from the Self. "

"What is the not- beautiful? Our own secret hunger to be loved is the not beautiful. Our disuse and misuse of love is the not- beautiful. Our dereliction in loyalty and devotion is unlovely, our sense of soul- separateness is homely, our psychological warts, inadequacies, misunderstandings, and infantile fantasies are the not -beautiful. Additionally, the Life/Death/Life  nature, which births, destroys, incubates and birthd again is considered the not- beautiful. "

Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Women Who Run With the Wolves. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Can you feel it?

Can you feel it?
The spring in your step, the tingling in your fingertips...
It's the song bubbling in your breath, the smile hanging off the corner of your lips. 
It's in the tear gently caressing your cheek, not sure if it's a tear of sadness or joy. 
Can you feel the butterflies dancing in your gut, making wind with their glorious wings. Wind, pregnant with the all the unknown that is to be!
Can you feel it?
It's the flame getting stronger and stronger at the root of your being. 
It hurts to stay the same, it hurts to hold back the power...
It hurts not to spread your wings and let the wind carry you. 
It burns to try and deny the fire in your belly. 
It brings tears to your eyes when you hold your breath desperately fighting to silence song of your heart!
 Angry shocks run up and down your spine at the mere thought of fear, for what is fear but a weak denial to all that is!
Throw it out, for it no longer serves a purpose, as if it ever did!

Feel deep in your heart for what you know is already here. 
Your soul is no longer laying on the dusty floor of your being, buried under dirty  reasons and half realized fears. 
It is awake and storming out. 
It doesn't need to fight or break out, for in its gaze the impertinence of the blind   illusions simply melts, the fears simmer to ash and logic vanishes into thin air without even a "puff". 

Your soul is simply stepping out in all its glory and fire! 

To deny it, to fight it is to die a slow and painful death. 

Let it dance with the Wind and send Thunder in the sky! 

You know it is time to step into your power and march with the change. 
Anything less is hell. 

You can feel it with every fiber in your body, your can smell it with every sip of breath.... 
Why are you fighting it?

Let the fire in you blow up  into an eternal blaze, no need to fear it, no need to control it. 
The only way the fire won't consume you is to become the Fire...

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Ancient force in us

The old vibrations of struggle no longer bring results, in fact they never did but we were to blind to see. 
The warrior mode is no longer enough. 
The fighter is just one aspect of us and that is no longer enough. 
Dig deeper, look into the deepest, darkest vortex of the soul to find its counterpart- the Priestess, the Goddess, the Magician. 
We all have it, we just put those aspects of us on the side so we can bear the hardship of life. 
Well, bearing is no longer enough!
We now need to rise above the mundane and find our song, find our joy, find our ecstasy! 
Marry the warrior and the goddess in one- our true self, inseparable from the universe!
The two counterparts, the opposites, the twin flames, they are not without, they are within, waiting for eons and eons to be united. 
Find that soft, gentle, yet powerful force in us, that knows, that feels, that summons, that runs wild. 
Summon the Mother within, the Ancient one, the Wise one, that incredible force that has been dormant for too long. 
And let the warrior hang his sword, rest his sorrow on the her shoulder and weep rivers of pain for what he has seen. 
And when the anguish is gone, he can see his clear reflection in her, for they are one and the same, all within us and all around us. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Change hurts

Change can be the most uncomfortable feeling
It is like trying to fit and look good into clothes that are very outdated.
You are twisting and squeezing and pulling and fighting trying so hard to be what you used to be.
But why?
Why is metamorphosis so painful?
Because we cling to our own perception of ourselves.
Because we are so attached to the idea of what we are.
"The most important thing is to be able at any given moment what we are for what we can become" Maharishi Majesh Yogi
The caterpillar doesn't resist becoming a butterfly.
The snake gladly removes its old skin to make space for a new one.
Even we throw out old clothes to make room to grow

Why are we so unwilling to do it with the things that really need changing?
Our outdated habits, old ideas of what we are and the people around us are?

We need to make space, to throw out the old and have fun with the new.
It is scary at first, but soon you forget the fear and become attached to that new you, only to resist the next change, lurking around the corner.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Fear is simply a reaction to the unknown. 
Take a deep breath and dive into it

Monday, September 9, 2013


Before we can trust another we need to learn to trust ourselves. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sun Song

Rise, little Sun, Rise
Bathe me in your glorious light
Shine, little Heart, shine
Bathe me in my glorious light
Come, little Wave, come
Play with my soul
Giude, little Bird, guide
Guide me your beautiful song
Fly, little Butrerfly, fly
Carry me in the wind
Mourn, little Moon, mourn
Burry me with old bones
Rise, little Flame, rise
Let me be reborn!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Can you stand in the darkness

Can you stand in the darkness
Deep in the void
Can you feel the empty space around
And cherish its liberating embrace. 

Can you sit with the emptiness
And resist
The desire to be full again. 
Exploring the sharp edges 
Of your true self
Learning to love the deep black holes.  

Can you feel the empty walls of your being
Simply the thud of your heart
Giving life to the universe. 
Can you see the abandoned corners 
With stale marks 
Of the unnecessary gone
Exhaling all that is old 
Feeling death in your veins

Can you wait for a breath 
Before you start filling up again
Can you wait and feel 
For direction
For sign
For a song
To bring you back to life. 

Can you sit with the void,
This vortex of nothingness
Not taking the first step
Waiting instead
For the path to call upon you

Can you stand the darkness
Sit in the silence
Drowning in stillness
Gasping for light
And really feel
your feet on the ground