Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The pitfall of emotions

Don't fall in the pitfall of emotions.
"I can't help the way I feel"! is something we say so often, and yet is it true?
Emotions that arise as a reaction to someone's behavior are learned.
The reaction, the way we feel is just as much engraved and conditioned in our mind as the way we think and perceive the world.
Culturally, we have been molded into not only thinking but feeling a certain way.
Anger, frustration, hopelessness, embarrassment, unworthiness, guilt, they are all tools meant to keep us in the chains of our mind.
Once we fall in the pitfall of the learned emotion, the whole machinery of the mind starts spinning, dragging us under with our patterned behavior.
Beware, and when you feel a negative emotion pulling you under, where you can't catch your breath, say "No, that is not really the way I feel. It's just the way I think I should feel".
All I feel is Love and it is as bright as the Sun and anything else is like a storm cloud trying to cover the brightness of the sunlight, all it is is a shadow...
Observe and learn and don't let patterned emotions pull in the vortex of hopelessness.

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