Thursday, January 31, 2013

A single power

"You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation..... and that is called loving.
Do not resist it, do not flee from it.
It is only your aversion to it that hurts, nothing else."

Herman Hesse

Who am I?

The question " Who am I?" is not really meant to get an answer, the question "Who am I?" is meant to dissolve the questioner.

Ramana Maharshi

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Venture into the unknown conciously and fullheartedly.
That is where the hard work begins.
Stop looking around and look into yourself.
Gaze at what you have been avoiding all your life.
And bring the fright to life.
Behind the veil of fear shines the light.
A blazing, purifying light.
But if you can't face your fears, if you can't face yourself you can never see behind that veil.
Intent and discipline is all you need to journey ito the unknown.

The lesson

The illusion is that we are all headed somewhere. 
The lesson is to learn to be where you are. 

Defining yourself

"When you let go of the belief that you should or need to know who you are, what happens to confusion? Suddenly it's gone. When you fully accept that  you don't know, you actually enter a state of peace and clarity that is closer to who you truly are than thought could ever be.  Defining yourself through thought is limiting  yourself"

Eckhart Tolle

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Self importance

"Accept being unimportant."

Tao Te Ching

The leap of faith

Go to the place beyond words.
Find the stillness of the breath, the movement in the stillness.
Feel the breath carrying the wisdom of the heart to your mind.
Find the place where knowing goes beyond any doubt.

Leap and the net will appear.

Resistance part II

Resistance is a creation of the mind. 
Acknowledge the resistance and feel it disappear. 
Darkness can only survive without light. 
The light is within you. 
Awareness is your torch. 
Love is your guide. 
Follow it  with all your heart. 
Trusting blindly even when you feel like you are drowining. 
When you feel like there is nowhere to go take another step. 
Make love to your breath when you feel like you are suffocating. 
Flow when you feel rigid. 
Love when you feel abandoned. 
Give when you feel  cheated. 
Do right when you think life is unfair. 
Share yourself when you feel lonely. 

Surrender part I

Stop resisting. 
Resistance is the source of all your misery. 
Resisting what is. 
Resisting where you are. 
Resisting what you are. 
Resistance creates tension. 
Resistance creates conflict. 
Conflict with everything around you. 
Conflict within yourself. 
Conflict that is not necessary. 

Drop it.
Drop the ego. 
Drop the resistance. 
Drop everything. 
Surrender to what is. 
Surrender to the feeling. 
Surrender to what you are. 
It doesn't matter if you like it or not. 
That is just an illusion created by your mind, to keep you trapped in the resistance.  
For the mind to control it needs to resist. 
It needs the conflict to keep the internal dialogue going. 
Silence it.
Surrender to the silence. 
Surrender to the body. 
Surrender to the heart. 

Surrender to the fear to see there is nothing to be afraid of. 
Surrender to the resistance to see there is nothing to resist. 
Surrender to gravity to see there is nothing holding you down. 
Surrender to the breath to feel your oneness with life. 
Surrender to love to feel your oneness with every being. 
Give in, let go. 
Surrender to the space around you. 
Feel yourself floating. 

Monday, January 28, 2013


Freedom is the total absence of concern for yourself. And the best way to quit being concerned about yourself is to become concerned about others.

Being in dreaming
Florinda Doner


Go beyond the mind.
It has You trapped and chained in an inanimate and limited, artificial world.
A reality, that is not real.
That is where the illusion of separation comes from.
Our minds create our own little worlds, separate from everyone else's and we rot there, desolate and lonley.

Buy that is not all there is.
There is so much beyond, so much beauty, so much light, so much love, the place we call home, without ever seeing it.
Because we can feel it with every breath, with every tear, with every smile.
The place beyond the mind.
Pure love.

And yet here we are. All in exile.
All in our little prison cells.
So overwhelmed and engulfed by our own little dramas, we don't even think to look up and see that is US who have locked ourselves in our own dungeons.

It is you who holds the key.
But your mind has tricked you, and it will keep tricking you into thinking you are separate.
The power struggle, the hunger of the ego to achieve, to dominate, to possess.
That is what's holding you hostage in your own mind.
No one can open the door for you.
You have to realize it for yourself.
You have been conditioned.
You live in a world you have artificially created out of fear.
Look up or rather look deep down inside.
That deep, dark, bottomless pit you are so adraid of.
That is YOU lying on the bottom.
YOU, your authentic, loving, joyous YOU. The one who has no fear, the one who can see the beauty in everything, the one who is made of pure love.
YOU have just forgotten.
You were tricked by the mind, that everything you see, everything you feel, the whole universe is someting to be adraid of.
Return to the source.
Remember who you are.
And don't feel sad that you had forgotten.
That soul is still untainted, beautiful and pure.
It doesn't hold anger or resentment that it has been forgotten.
It simply waits to be remembered and revels that you found your way back home.
It doesn't matter how long it takes you, it is the journey, that makes it so much more worth while.

But beware the mind.
It is there at every step.
Everything you see, everything you think, everything you feel and judge, all your perception can capture, all that can be conceived, or understood or explained, that is the mind. It is a powerful and all encompassing structure.
To come home you have to tumble it down.
Awareness is enough.
Once you see, the mind doesn't stand a chance.
For once you feel the touch of the unknown, there you shall long to return.
All it takes is vigilance and persitence.
Challenge the mind at every step.
So step out of your comfort zone.
Experience what lies beyond your reason.
Explore those relationships that you cannot understand. Those are the people who will show you the way.
Do what doesn't make sense.
Say Yes! To everything you think you are afraid of.
Find those things that seem preposterous and enjoy them with all your heart.
Get lost in the moment.
Suspend all the judgement.
Follow your gut intuition.
Follow your heart. Don't ever go against your heart. It knows the way.
Forget about what you like and don't like- it is all a vain attempt to keep yourself from venturing beyond.
Take every possibility to learn and then forget everything.
Forget efficiency and do things for the pure joy of being alive.
And most importantly
Don't take yourself seriously. :)
That is the deathblow for the ego.
Laugh at yourself!
Remember who you are.
You are beautiful.
You are amazing.
You are pure light.
Eternal love.
Come home.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pure Love

True love has very little to do with physical form or compatibility.
It has all to do with the ability of another to reflect intensely your original face and their impeccable intent to take you further along your path.
"There may be, at times, one person who reflects your love back to you more clearly and more intensely than others...Love is not selective, just as the light of the sun is not selective. Exclusivity is not the love of God, but the love of the ego." Eckhart Tolle
Love lies beyond the physical,beyond the mind, in a different plane of awareness where we dance amidst the pillars of creation.
It knows no boundaries of space and time.
It is a connection of the spirit.
It is a communion of the soul.
Its only intention being to  show you the way home, to remind you who you truly are.


There is no wrong way to live life as long as you commit to it.

Become the storm (repost)

Don't brace for the storm, embrace the storm.
Become the Storm, powerful, uncontrolled, pure
Get hurt without becoming bitter.
Get angry without becoming vengeful
Get jealous without being offended.
Love without expectation or condition
Find joy even if there is no one around
Be weak in front of a crowd.
Don't revel in how much you know or what you know
Become humble
Recognize the existence of another
Respect another's space and decision
Loose your self- importance
Loose your mind in the now
It is the only way to find home
To become one
To be light

Saturday, January 26, 2013


At any moment we think we have found the truth, the meaning of life, only to gasp the next moment in realization that we have been blind to so much, unaware of the bigger picture.
At any stage we think we have achieved so much, only to look up and see how far we have to go.
But the trick is to  not get discouraged.
Revel at any moment for all that you are, all that you have been and be ready to let go of  everything you have achieved for the possibility of what you can become.
Don't judge yourself, saying "I've been so stupid; I've been so blind!"
For you can never become anything before you accept who you are.
You can never advance a step further before you make peace with where you are


Slow down time until the space between moments becomes eternity.
This is true bliss.

Friday, January 25, 2013

5 Rhythm Breath

It's beautiful to dance to someone else's drumbeat sometimes.
To let go of the ego and the rigid limits of your own mind, to connect to another heart, spine or feet and explore something foreign, to get out of yourself.
Life is like a 5 Rhythm dance, sometimes lyrical, sometimes short and sharp, full of sadness or raging with anger, filled with compassion and love; but always changing, always exploring deeper, taking you different places.
We meet, share a moment, move on, drown in solitude only to meet again, notice how've changed.
A constant, organic ebb and flow, like the breath ....
Find the space between the breaths
Find the rhythm between the notes
The stillness in the movement, the movement in the stillness.

Wrong reasons

"Abstaining from something for the wrong reasons is no better than doing it."
Ram Dass

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Explore the magic beyond the mind

Do what you don't want to do.
Say what you are afraid of saying.
Embrace the people you tend to avoid.
Be what you never wanted to be.
Feel what you don't want to feel.
Follow the intuition instead of the reason.
Follow the reasoning that doesn't make sense.
So that you escape the limits of the mind and find your way home.

Go beyond

For the mind to flower it has to go beyond what it knows.
Mother Meera


Instead of teaching our children about the world we should learn from them about ourselves.

If you are present, right here right now, like a child, lost in the moment, every encounter is an opportunity, every day a lesson, every moment a gift.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


"Each human being was given 2 qualities: the power and the gift. The power directs us to our destiny, the gift obliges us to share  with others what is our best"
Paolo Coelho 


"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add but when there is nothing left to take a way".

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Learning begins with giving up your own ideas.


"In order to directly  perceive energy we need freedom from our normal capacity to perceive.  The parameters of our normal perception  have been imposed on us as part of our socialization. One aspect of these obligatory parameters is an interpretation system, which processes sensory data into meaningful units and renders the social order as a structure of interpretation"

"Only superficially we are willing to accept that what we call reality is a culturally determined construct.  The culture is the product of a long, cooperative, highly selective, highly developed and highly coercive process that culminates in an agreement that shields us from other possibilities."

"What is culturally determined is that our personal experiences plus a shared social agreement on what our senses are capable of perceiving dictate what we perceive. Anything out of this sensorially agreed upon perceptual realm is automatically encapsulated and disregarded by the rational mind. In this manner the frail blanket of human assumptions id never damaged. "

Being In Dreaming
Florinda Doner

Everything you see, everything you can perceive with your mind is a creation of the mind.
Once you learn to step outside the limits of the known, you can fathom how limited that perception is.
The mind is all powerful and spreading its tentacles to the smallest crooks of your being.

But you are still in there, in the crooks and nooks, in the space between the fibers. 

There is energy that holds this physical shape, you call your body, together.
That Energy, that Being, that Space- that is You, that is the Source.

It is simply buried under the cover of perception, the chains of the mind.
But it is not going anywhere.
It  will always be there, waiting for you to remember who you are.

Monday, January 21, 2013


"Daily life is  the training arena for the peaceful warrior. Spirit gives you everything you need, here and now. You evolve not by seeking to go elsewhere, but by paying attention to, and embracing, what's right in front of you.  Then something very subtle and exciting occurs: your motives make a rare and dramatic shift from seeking happiness to creating it"

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior

Leap and the net will appear

The answers to everything are right there. We just need to see them.
And that will come at the right time.
It requires a tremendous amount of trust in the unknown, which is a paradox in itself.
Hesitation knocks you off balance.
You have just let go of your doubts and trust in order to find the balance.

Leap and the net will appear

Don't over think it.
Calmly embrace your fear and trust your feelings.
Trust the part of you that knows without any doubts.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

If you want to change the world...

If you want change the world love yourself. 
Love yourself fully and without holding back.
Live your imperfection, love your faults and all the empty space within you.
Allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of everyone and love yourself for it.
Allow the masks and costumes and walls to fall off and stand proud of your weaknesses. 
Allow yourself to stand naked for the world, without shame or embarrassment for who you are. 
Revel in your uniqueness, without forgetting that you are just like everyone else.  
Love your past, with all your mistakes and regrets, with all the beautiful moments and all the painful ones. 
Love your future with all its question marks and uncertainties. 
Love yourself now... As you are and as you are changing.
Don't wait to complete some metamorphosis so that you can then love yourself.
Love yourself fully now as you are going trough the transition, and fall in love with yourself at every stage and through all the transitions. 
If you want to change the world love yourself, violently, freely, with no inhibition and until exhaustion. 
Love yourself until you realize no one else be the source of happiness or sadness. 
If you want to change the world love yourself, even when you hurt, painfully aware that the only one who can cause you pain is your own Ego.
And love your Ego  as well, it is an integral part of who you have been and who you will become. 
Love the Ego with all its limitations and judgements and vainness and respect the Ego for them. For your Ego is your greatest teacher if only you learn to listen and see beyond what meets the eye. 
If you want to change the world,  start by changing yourself; start by loving yourself and embracing yourself, letting every emotion and every experience rage and seep through you, permeating every fiber of your being. 
We are not here to learn or explain or to change the world. We are here solely to experience, ourselves and the world around; we are not here to change the world or ourselves, we are here to experience it as a part of our core being, we are here to become the change and  burn ourselves completely in the process. 
So learn to love yourself and everything you are experiencing. Love yourself when you are dancing wildly when there is no music; love yourself when you crawl into the corner and hide from the world with tears in your eyes; love yourself when you hide in a cave ashamed of yourself; love yourself when you allow the world to embarrass you and most of all admire yourself for you are still here, standing and loving yourself. 
Revel in your own beauty and grace, bathe yourself in silly gestures, spoil yourself and don't let negativity cloud your soul for you know the truth. 
When stripped of everything unnecessary you are a shining star; you are light, you are Love. 
And then, when you feel yourself bathed and nourished in your own love and compassion for yourself, stop holding it back. 
Allow it to shine, allow it to explode out of you and spread it all over, illuminating the beauty in each human being, calling to their own inner light, until the whole world is set on fire.... Infinite, gorgoeus explosion of light and love;burning, cleansing, purifying ...liberating. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Lesson

"A great teacher never thrives to explain her vision; she simply invites you to stand beside her and see it for yourself."
 The Rev. R . Inman

The dark

"The cave that you fear to enter holds the treasures that you seek." 
Joseph Campbell

The only way out is through within.
Instead of looking for answers outside of yourself, look in.
Turn your gaze inwards, face the demons inside. 
Face the darkest corner of your soul.

Once you turn on the light, darkness disappears.
You realize there are no monsters hiding in the corners.
It's just dust, old  fears and preconceptions you have refused to face.
Once you let go of them you become light as a feather.

Awareness is enough.

Friday, January 18, 2013


"Home is in the taste of being with myself, walking next to what is familiar, towards what is cherished." 
The invitation. 

So many doors I have knocked on, so many places i have abandoned in search of home only to find that I was always home and never needed to search for it. Just open my eyes to it. Open my heart to it. 
So many times l have tried to give my bleeding heart to someone to care for it, only so I can feel like I mattered. 
Failing to see I am the one caring for my heart and I should stop trying to hand that responsibility over. Failing to see we are all equally important and unimportant and it is all just an ego game. 

When someone finally snaps the warm blanket I have been cuddling under I get furious, and inch barefoot and cold toward the pale dawn, the smile on the face slowly melting the cold and anger in the heart; realizing I am witnessing the most gorgeous sunrise. The dawn of the new day, of the unexpected, of the horizon. 
So I stop shying away from it and salute the quiet moment with stillness inside. 
A moment of peace. 


Every beat of your heart is a miracle.
Revel in it.
Every time you look in someone else's eyes you are touched by magic.
Cherish it

Free and wild

There is something so beautiful inside you, that's free and wild.
Why are you trying so hard to tame it?

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Fear of rejection and embarrasment are the ropes with which you have tied yourself in the corner.
Realize you are holding your own self hostage and release those fears.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Now

"Most people confuse the Now with what happens in the Now, but that's not what it is.
The Now is deeper than what happens in it. It's the space in which it happens.
So do not confuse the content of this moment with the Now.
The Now is deeper than any content that arises in it."

E. Tolle

Self love

The first step towards self-love would be to surround yourself with people who value and cherish you.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The outer form is a temporary reflection of what you are within, your essence. 
That's why love and beauty can never leave you,although all outer forms will. 
 Eckhart Tolle

The source

Being strong doesn't mean you don't fall down.
It means you have faith strong enough that even in the darkest moments, when no one is around you pull yourself up and keep going, tearing down the walls that prevent you from seeing the light, knowing that the source is always there,inside you, simply covered with mud.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Surrender to the moment

When you surrender to the moment and loose yourself completely in the action with no attachment to the end result you have no choice but to be pure joy.
You have given all you got.


Abandon linear thinking.
Expand in all directions.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Not knowing

Sometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand and becoming comfortable with not knowing.
E. Tolle

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dive in

There comes a time in life when you realize you can no longer swim in safety close to the shore.
You have to let go, face the fears and dive in.
You can either drown or emerge on the other side
In any case the risk is worth it.

Friday, January 11, 2013


The only thing that stands between you and your true self is your mind
Let go of the ego

Surrender to your heart

Feel the truth

Somewhere between what you want and what you are afraid of  lays the truth.
It is the mind with its insecurities and desires that prevents you from feeling it.
Without giving into your fear and indulging in your yearning trust your intuition.


Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


"There is nothing more lonely than eternity. And nothing is more cozy for us than to be a  human being. This need is another contradiction- how can man keep the bonds of his humanness and still venture gladly and purposefully into the absolute loneliness of eternity?"

Don Juan
The Fire from within


Your body is not you.
Your body is the space where YOU exist.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Gift

The gift that we have been given is not to keep. It is to be given

The gift in itself is the ability to give.
The ability to experience each moment to the fullest and share it.

The meaning of life is not to have or give or achieve.
This gift has been given to you so you can experience everything there is to be experienced
We have gotten it all wrong.
We try so hard. Try to succeed, try to attain, try to posses and separate ourselves.
We try to try.
When life is simple.
Simply experience.
Experience the chill in the morning, the warm sand through your fingers, the crash of the wave on your feet.
The  burn of the sun on your skin, another’s breath giving you life.
Your life doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to everyone else. You are here to share this gift.
This is your purpose in life.
To share your beauty and light.

I don’t know where I belong, but I belong to you.

Experience the moment to the fullest. Learn. But don’t learn from books and lectures.
Learn from what you feel.
Learn from the pain and the anger, from the love and the hope, from the disappointment and compassion.
Learn to experience them and don’t resist them. Stop fighting yourself and the rest of the world. Allow it to happen.
That is where you learn from.
Find the dark place in you where all the emotions arise from and illuminate it.
Extinguish the darkness. Extinguish the ignorance.
Extinguish the numbness in you.
Start feeling, with all your heart, without judging, without expectation, without attachment.
Let the emotions run through you, wash through you and revel in them.
Learn the lesson and then offer it to the world.

The truth

Sometimes the simple truth is staring us in the face.
And we try everything to avert the eyes in fear of recognizing it.
When you finally lift your gaze and softly smile back, because you see the beauty of it, accept it quietly and breathe a sigh of release....
It wasn't the truth we were afraid of, but of the fear itself.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wasted sweetness

Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either because solitude will break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed ot left or hurt or death brushes near let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you wasted as many as you can.
Louise Erdrich
From the Talking Drum


Every thought pretends that it matters so much.
Here is a new spiritual practice for you:
Don't take your thoughts too seriously.
E. Tolle

Monday, January 7, 2013


Balance is not a static, stagnant position fixed in space.
Being in balance is being in constant flux, with the motions equalized in opposite directions.
The smaller the distance between the extremes the stronger the balance.


We need space to exist.
And we exist because of the space around that allows us to feel our boundaries.
At the same time we are a part of space.

We are all a part of energy that extends infinitely in all directions.

So don't be afraid when you feel empty.

This is the space inside you.
It's infinite possibilities.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hard to change

All these things seem so hard to change
You know,It used to snow here
And now it only rains

I can barely hear you
Over these machine
Turn them all off
Tell me about your dreams....

Hard to change
Meg Hutchinson

The journey is the reward

When you move sensually, live sensually you surrender to the course of action that will take place without consciousness involved, without intending to reach a goal - you feel the air traveling through your fingertips as the glide through one another, meeting and playing joyfully.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


"It is only when we forget all we know that we begin to know".
Henry David Thoreau


When things that once seemed impossible become reality, that is magic.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Right now...

Tomorrow only exist in your mind.
Make the best out of right now

It's not much you have to do

Awareness is enough


If you want to go deep into your knowledge of a subject you are passionate about, then teach it.
If you are a teacher, then you are also a lifelong student

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The world cracks sometimes

The world cracks sometimes.
Things we think matter crack.
Stuff we imagine important breaks.
But it is through those cracks that we see the light.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Primal virtue

Can you play the role of woman?
Understanding and being open to all things
Are you able to do nothing?
Giving birth and nourishing
Bearing yet not possessing
Working yet not taking credit
Leading yet not dominating
This is the primal virtue.

Tao Te Ching

Good things

Good things happen to you when you start doing things that you enjoy. Happiness brings happiness :)