Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Gift

The gift that we have been given is not to keep. It is to be given

The gift in itself is the ability to give.
The ability to experience each moment to the fullest and share it.

The meaning of life is not to have or give or achieve.
This gift has been given to you so you can experience everything there is to be experienced
We have gotten it all wrong.
We try so hard. Try to succeed, try to attain, try to posses and separate ourselves.
We try to try.
When life is simple.
Simply experience.
Experience the chill in the morning, the warm sand through your fingers, the crash of the wave on your feet.
The  burn of the sun on your skin, another’s breath giving you life.
Your life doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to everyone else. You are here to share this gift.
This is your purpose in life.
To share your beauty and light.

I don’t know where I belong, but I belong to you.

Experience the moment to the fullest. Learn. But don’t learn from books and lectures.
Learn from what you feel.
Learn from the pain and the anger, from the love and the hope, from the disappointment and compassion.
Learn to experience them and don’t resist them. Stop fighting yourself and the rest of the world. Allow it to happen.
That is where you learn from.
Find the dark place in you where all the emotions arise from and illuminate it.
Extinguish the darkness. Extinguish the ignorance.
Extinguish the numbness in you.
Start feeling, with all your heart, without judging, without expectation, without attachment.
Let the emotions run through you, wash through you and revel in them.
Learn the lesson and then offer it to the world.

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