Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Sometimes your best course of action is to sit back and wait.
Not doing can be very powerful.
Allow the changes to happen on their own abandoning the desire to control the change and the outcome.
Not doing you allow things to change naturally taking their natural course.
Just because you seem still on the outside doesn't mean nothing is happening.
Transforming internally, making minor changes of awareness have tremendous impact on the way you perceive the world.
All change starts within.


Wanting is doubt.
When you want something you believe that you don't have it.
Wanting is a deception to yourself.
You are everything you think you need. You already have everythig you may possibly want.
You are simply not trusting.
You doubt what you have. You doubt what you are.
ThAt creates conflict.
That creates mysery.
Simply trust.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


In moments of fear and we want to act but that is only a reaction. In moments of fear we want to get angry but that is only an emotion. In moments of hurt we want to cry and feel sorry for ourselves bit that is giving up.

Those are the moments when we need to lean back, open up the window and let whatever the wind blows come in.
Instead of doubt trust into the unknown.
Instead of controlling the outcome let go of expectaions and desires.
Right there in that moment, charged with so much experience and radiance you have the answer to everything. You.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Modus Operandi

Isn't it amazing that each morning we have a number of realities we can wake up to, yet we always choose the same one.....
Each day we have an infinite number of choices on how to spend the time yet we choose to stick with the habits.
Every time we judge we have the option to see another's perspective , yet we always choose our own.

Think about all the choices you make at any given moment. And what would happen if you chose to abandon you MO today?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

To love is not to have

It is not the commitment to a person that i am trying so desperately to escape.
It is the commitment to a relationship.
The commitment to the role i am expected to play.
Relationships of any sort, as defined by society are so limiting in their function. Relationships are supposed to bring people closer. Instead they create a gap. Because they institutionlize the expression of our emotions. Categorize them in an arbitrary system.
And if we cannot find our way through the maze of dos and don'ts we feel like we have failed.
Does a ring on my finger really mean i love and i am loved?
Yes I may love you to death but is picking up your dirty socks really a proof of my devotion.
If We love don't we want to share this love with as many people as we can? Why should we set expectations to how much time we spend with each other?
One should be free to create smells and tastes for the sole purpose of watching another burst in sensation and joy not because it's an obligation.
When did sex and lips touching become equivalent to loving? They are an expression of it just like missing another, longing, talking, observing, feeling someone's breath or simply trusting and opening up.
Or may be greatest expression of love is restraint, letting go, giving up expectations and desires and just indulging in what we have.
Why have we limited our expression of emotions to unrelevant acts. And become such great performers in things that doesn't matter.
Love is a freedom we need to strive to attain not a role we want to fit in.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Our Essence

It is funny to watch your whole life unravel before your eyes.
All of a sudden things start to make sense.
You realize where all your patterns, reasons and fears  come from and that they have no foundation in you.
The seeds were planted there by other's actions.
No not by others. Nobody came up to you and said " I want you to be fearful" or "I want you to protect yourself from others"
No, their actions were caused by another's actions.
So they planted the seeds, and you let them grow.
Not because you wanted to. But because  you didn't know any better.
Because there was no one to show you another way.

Don't blame yourselves for your mistakes and regrets.
Accept them as a part of you.
Don't hate yourself for things that could have been.
Things are what they are suposed to be for a reason

So we can learn

Don't identify yourself with the fear or the pain.
There are no such things.
Only misunderstood or misguided love

Don't be your emotions! They are just reactions.
And watch them slip away to reveal a beautiful you.

Our Essence is that of Sweetness and Love

Friday, September 21, 2012

Why chocolate?

Enlightenment doesn't smell like chocolate
It can smell like coffee beans, fresh baked bread, soiled diapers, melted butter, rotten eggs or rain.
Enlightenment is the moment when you are so aware of that particular moment that nothing else exists.
There is no past and future. There are no worries or expectations.
There is just now.
Your senses are experiencing the smell or touch or taste or vision so profoundly that you get lost in it.
The moment becomes everything. It becomes eternity.

Like the drop of rain sliding down your neck on a summer afternoon.
Experience it.

In that moment there are no questions or answers. There is just the rain drop and your sensation of it.


Thursday, September 20, 2012


Apparently the stars are so aligned that the whole universe is in a flux.
We are all restructuring, changing, demolishing old structures to make space for new ones.
It could be quite a painful process.
But are appreciating enough this gift that the skies are giving us?
Tune into it, embrace the change, don't expect an outcome, just dance with it enjoying every minute of it.
Change is not a road to some destination, it is the destination itself.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Perfect moments

It seems that the perfect moments are the ones you least expect.

Like this morning... steaming cup of tea, gray skies, silence and my work.

We search completeness, but we can never find it,  it is so elusive because  we look for it in the wrong moments.

In each little moment each one of us is perfectly complete. Yet when we are not present, we fail to realize it.
Become aware of the here and now and you will see there is nothing else to seek.

The moment your mind takes over and you wonder what would make this moment better, you have already lost it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


In controlling you repress
In transformation you express.


It is so easy to sink into comfort.
But can comfort ever make you happy?
Can it make you experience joy?
Can comfort make you experience anything?
Comfort is lack of experience, lack of growth, lack of change.
Yet we all seek it so badly.

Security is a shelter for the insecure.

Get comfortable with discomfort!

Stop seeking a place to sink into complacent oblivion.
Keep seeking the change, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach that keeps you alive.
Cherish the fear and insecurity.
Keep evolving

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Suspend all judgment

Suspend all your judgements!
Because  they are but your own biased opinion. Based on your personal history and way of thinking.
And the person next to you does not think like you, does not share your history and your view of the world. No matter how alike you are you cannot see the same things the same way.
No matter how much you analyze and think you are objective you are merely rearranging your prejudices.
The things you think are true are just your thoughts.
So you are only getting angry at yourself....

How many things in your life have you lost or let go of only because you were too proud to admit you didn't know and decided to make up your own story.
Become comfortable with not knowing. Become friends with acceptance and humbleness.

Everyone has their own reasons, but not everything has an explanation.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Disappointment and anxiety come from the idea that we need to be somewhere else. That we are not what we need to be.
We are always exactly where we need to be. But we are so distracted by where we think we should be that we miss the point of being.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Why is it that when we want to get a reaction out of someone we always go for anger. We don't try to provoke love, joy or compassion.
We seek for anger, pity or guilt.
Isn't that horrific
Anger is the easiest emotion to provoke and one of the hardest to get rid of.
So next time instead of tears try to bring joy to someone's life, instead of guilt try to provoke gratitude, instead of shame provide confidence.
See what how it makes you feel.

Being right

Why do we insist so much on being right all the time?
Not only do we want to convince others that we are right, we want them to believe what we believe.
Isn't that oppressive?
Wouldn't it be terribly boring of we all thought the same way?
Each one of us is right for themselves.... Sometimes....
Abandon the need to prove yourself right.
Find the need, or the someone to be proven wrong!
Because wrong is not negative in any way. It is simply a perspective different from yours. It is a tremendous potential to grow and embrace ideas other than the ones you are attached to.

Being right has no value. Being proven not right opens so many new possibilities


Friday, September 7, 2012

Change hurts

Change is the most uncomfortable feeling
It is like trying to fit and look good into clothes that are very outdated.
You are twisting and squeezing and pulling and fighting trying so hard to be what you used to be.
But why?
Why is metamorphosis so painful?
Because we cling to our own perception of ourselves.
Because we are so attached to the idea of what we are.
"the most important thing is to be able at any given moment what we are for what we can become"
Maharishi Majesh Yogi
The caterpillar doesn't resist becoming a butterfly.
The snake gladly removes its old skin to make space for a new one.
Even we throw out old clothes to make room to grow

Why are we so unwilling to do it with the things that really need changing?
Our outdated habits, old ideas of what we are and the people around us are?

We need to make space, to throw out the old and have fun with the new.
It is scary at first, but soon you forget the fear and become attached to that new you, only to resist the next change, lurking around the corner.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Become humble

When you want to shut down
Open up
When you want to run
When you want to cry
When you want to die
Breathe deeper
When you want to shrink
When you want to doubt
When you want to hate
Love more
When you want to punish
When you want to feel sadness
Find joy
When you want to be angry
Be grateful
When you feel that you have lost someone
Find your own self
When you want to be still
When you seek silence
When you want to fight
Become humble

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The only pain that follows us is the love we hold back

The only pain comes from not letting yourself experience the emotion. Let it run wild trough you, whether it is joy, pain,love, sorrow or grief. The only way to overcome it is if you satiate in it.


Some people have the ability to transform us, transport us to different reality and see things never seen before.
They are like a doorway into another dimension.
We don't even realize how much we need that influence until all of a sudden it is lost, and we are desperately searching for a way out, as if we are fighting fo air.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What is Faith

The guy's shirt in front of me states that Faith is refusal to panic.

Doubt is pain
Too lonely to know
That faith is his twin brother.
Khalil Gibran

So what is faith?
It could simply be put as the lack of
Then what is doubt?
Doubt is insecurity, fear, hesitation
Doubt is everything that knocks you of your balance.
Doubt is everything that is unnecessary.
So let go of it
Simply trust
But first you need to trust in yourself.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Turning the universe upside down

Seeing the world from a different perspective is always helpful.

And any perspective when turned on its head sometimes makes a lot more sense than when you look at it the way you normally view the universe.

Kids love being upside down… when did we forget how much fun it is.

And no matter how much we want to we can't always create havoc and turn the world upside down.

But we can always stand on our own head!

So go ahead turn upside down, even if it is for one long breath!

It can be very refreshing...

Other than being pure fun inversions have other benefits as well:

·      Encourage delivery of fresh blood to your heart, which provides more efficient circulation

·      Standing upright most of the time causes the lower lung tissue to saturate with blood. Inverting ventilates the upper part of the lungs, increasing the ensuring oxygen-to-blood exchange promoting healthier lung tissue.

·      Stimulate the lymphatic system and strengthens the immune system.

·      A natural way of counteracting the pull of gravity

·      The pressure on the top of the skull promotes the cranial bones’ elasticity and increases the amount of cerebrospinal fluid

·      Strengthen the upper body and core

·      Increases blood flow to the brain, bringing more oxygen to the cells optimizing brain function, develops more awareness, concentration, better memory and stimulates thought

·      Develop balance awareness, which occurs when the upper regions of the inner ear are stimulated.

·      Inversions upset gravity activating the pituitary and pineal glands to balance hormone levels in the body and promote a state of well-being

Inspirations from the Mat

Yoga is the practice of getting to know yourself through your body.
Learning about your limitations and exploring them.
Playing with them, challenging them, eliminating them.

It is a daily practice to align your energy and realize that nothing is impossible.

One cannot expect to be perfect in each pose, because there is no absolute right way to do each asana.
It is all relative to your energy. And when you feel the prana flowing through body then you realize you are exactly where you need to be.

It is a game, forgetting the thoughts and meditating in the movement.
Finding stillness in the chaos.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Open your heart to see your true essence

Open to me so that I may open
Provide me your inspiration
So that I might see mine


The most profound secrets are no secrets at all.
It is the simplest truths that we so often miss in search of something deep and meaningful.
Yet the most precious moments are the most innocent and mundane ones.
The ones we did not plan, we did not anticipate, we had no time to worry about.
The most beautiful things cannot be bought with money. They always come free.
And when you least expect them.

It is imposible to know ourselves without the others.
Others are our mirrors, in which we see not only our reflections, but our deepest and darkest fears.
Only to realize that there is nothing to fear.
In its core our essence is sweetness, kindness and love.

Stop judging and demanding!
Stop analyzing and believing that others hurt you!
Start loving and giving!
Start doing simply for the joy of sharing experiences, without attachment to the end result.