Friday, May 17, 2013

The Gap

Pay attention to the gap- the gap between two thoughts, the brief, silent space between words in a conversation, between the notes of a piano or a flute the gap between the in breath and out-breath.

Eckhart Tolle

Become aware of the gap between our feelings and the reaction to them, become conscious of the actions happening around us and the space between the fact and the labeling that happens in the mind, the judgement, the reaction.
There is this tiny little space, where time can stop and so can the reaction.
We can avoid the labeling, the judgement, the attachment to the habit of interpreting facts through the lenses  of the ego, if we can become aware of that gap and stay there.
Stay in the space where we feel the space between the self and the body, and the mind.
We have imprisoned the soul behind the walls of the ego.
 Settle into that calm, blissful center of consciousness and allow the body and mind to serve it instead of enslaving your pure light to the irrational reasoning of the conditioned mind.

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