Monday, June 3, 2013

Identity crisis

We are all fighting a crisis identity.
Not because we don't know who we are.
But because we have layered our different facets in some arbitrary scale of wanted and unwanted.
And each say we put on the "better" layer, just like we put on the clothes we like best, or the layer we think will get us what we want.
But what happens to those parts that sit forgotten and neglected day after day because somewhere down the road we learned that we are not good enough, that we should be ashamed of our desires and our most sincere thoughts.
Those parts of us, because yes, they are still an integral part of us and we have deliberately been neglecting, they don't dissapear.
They sit there repressed, depressed and build up tension.
Tension we get used to, tension that we take as our every- moment duty to work out in any possible way but the simplest.
Let our being be one and express all the emotions that arise without attaching meaning and value to it.
Just like a child that is happy, then sad, or angry or tired and then happy again we are all entitled to all our aspects and moods.
And the judgement of others will be rendered irrelevant if we all allow ourselves to be.
Wear all our faces freely and nurture all aspects of our personality, especially those parts we have labeled dark and disagreeable. And watch this enormous identity crisis of humanity melt away

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